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        216 results found

        Professional Cadre Membership

        List of staff membership of professional cadres

        Spend - Consultant, Professional, Interim

        Expenditure for consultancy, professional services and interims.

        Primary Preferences

        This data set shows the number of preferences made to each Primary School in Leeds for reception and junior school places.

        Early Years Professional Status Database

        The National College for Teaching and Learning awards accreditation of Early Years Professional Status and Early Years Teachers Status on behalf of the Secretary of State for Education. To operate...

        Preferred Industrial Locations

        Polygon layer of preferred industrial locations (PIL) mapped as part of the Authority’s Local Development Framework

        Secondary School Preferences

        This data set shows the number of preferences, for admission to secondary school in September, each school received during the annual cycle school admissions process.

        Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) system

        Records of continual professional development of LGV and PCV drivers. Includes training organisation list and courses available including those offered by specific qualified training centres;...

        School preferences and offers

        This is a statutory return from local authorities giving figures for the number of applications they receive for a place in secondary school, and how many of the offers made were of a preferred...

        Secondary School Preferences 2011-2015

        Data showing the secondary school preferences in Calderdale for 2011-2015.

        Historic preference percentages for admissions rounds

        This dataset details the breakdown of preferences allocated their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th preference for previous admissions rounds - when applications are received for York children starting...

        Allied Health Professionals and Other Technical Departments

        Summary of AHP clinic data in the acute hospital sector of NHSScotland. Contains information on total attendances by service and new attendances by service and NHS Board. From September 2011 this...

        Defra Information Services Directorate Staff Professional Membership Spend FY15 16

        A list of staff Professional Memberships funded by Defra Information Services Directorate in financial year 2015 2016.

        Primary School Preferences and Allocations by School

        Number of preferences and allocations for reception class by school in Calderdale primary schools (academies and local authority maintained schools); the data is published annually. [**Other...

        School level data for all preferences in primary admissions rounds

        This dataset contains details of all preferences in past primary admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting primary or infant school in Reception for the...

        School level data for all preferences in secondary admissions rounds

        This dataset contains details of all preferences in past secondary admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting secondary school in Year 7 for the first...

        School level data for all preferences in junior admissions rounds

        This dataset contains details of all preferences in past junior admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting junior school in Year 3 for the first time. ...

        LP Minerals Area of Preferred Extension to Existing Salt Mine

        Area of Preferred Extension to Existing Salt Mine

        LP Minerals Area of Preferred Extension to Controlled Brine field

        Area of Preferred Extension to Controlled Brine field

        Secondary School Admissions Preferences and Allocations by School

        Secondary school preferences and allocations for Year 7 by school in Calderdale secondary schools (academies and local authority maintained schools); the data is published annually since...

        Primary school places, schools oversubscribed and %s of preferences met

        Primary school places, schools oversubscribed and %s of preferences met