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PE and Sport Survey:

This official statistics publication reports the percentage of pupils participating in at least 120 minutes of curriculum PE and out of hours sport, for all schools and FE colleges in England, as...

NI 057 Children and young peoples participation in high-quality PE and sport

Percentage of young people in England participating in sport. Young people are all those aged 5-19. All 5-16 year olds will have the chance to do 5 hours of high quality Physical Education (PE) and...

NI 057 - Children and young peoples participation in high-quality PE and sport

Percentage of young people in England participating in sport. Young people are all those aged 5-19. All 5-16 year olds will have the chance to do 5 hours of high quality Physical Education (PE) and...

Physically active children

Percentage of schoolchildren who spend a minimum of two hours each week on high quality PE and school sport within and beyond the curriculum Source: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Treatment Plants

Spatial dataset containing wastewater treatment plants monitored and reported under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) in England. These plants serve population equivalent (PE)...

GP Patient Experience Survey

Results for individual GP Practices for Quality and Outcome Framework measures PE 7 and PE 8. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Climate hydrology and ecology research support system potential evapotranspiration dataset for Great Britain (1961-2019) [CHESS-PE]

Gridded potential evapotranspiration over Great Britain for the years 1961-2019 at 1 km resolution. This dataset contains two potential evapotranspiration variables calculated using the...

Potential evapotranspiration derived from HadUK-Grid gridded climate observations 1969-2020 (Hydro-PE HadUK-Grid)

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. Gridded potential evapotranspiration calculated from HadUK-Grid gridded observed meteorological data at 1 km resolution over the United Kingdom for the years...

Climate hydrology and ecology research support system potential evapotranspiration dataset for Great Britain (1961-2015) [CHESS-PE]

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. 1km resolution gridded potential evapotranspiration over Great Britain for the years 1961-2015. This dataset contains time series of two potential...

Climate hydrology and ecology research support system potential evapotranspiration dataset for Great Britain (1961-2012) [CHESS-PE]

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. 1km resolution gridded potential evapotranspiration over Great Britain for the years 1961-2012. This dataset contains time series of two potential...

Climate hydrology and ecology research support system potential evapotranspiration dataset for Great Britain (1961-2017) [CHESS-PE]

Gridded potential evapotranspiration over Great Britain for the years 1961-2017 at 1 km resolution. This dataset contains two potential evapotranspiration variables: daily total potential...

Potential evapotranspiration derived from HadUK-Grid 1km gridded climate observations 1969-2021 (Hydro-PE HadUK-Grid)

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. Gridded potential evapotranspiration calculated from HadUK-Grid gridded observed meteorological data at 1 km resolution over the United Kingdom for the years...

Potential evapotranspiration derived from HadUK-Grid 1km gridded climate observations 1969-2022 (Hydro-PE HadUK-Grid)

Gridded potential evapotranspiration calculated from HadUK-Grid gridded observed meteorological data at 1 km resolution over the United Kingdom for the years 1969-2022. This dataset contains two...

Potential evapotranspiration derived from the UK Climate Projections 2018 Regional Climate Model ensemble 1980-2080 (Hydro-PE UKCP18 RCM)

Gridded potential evapotranspiration calculated from United Kingdom Climate Projections 2018 (UKCP18) regional climate model (RCM) ensemble at 12 km resolution over the United Kingdom for the years...

Potential evapotranspiration derived from Climate Hydrology and Ecology Research Support System meteorological gridded climate observations (Hydro-PE CHESS), 1961-2019

This dataset contains two gridded potential evapotranspiration variables for Great Britain from 1961-2019: daily total potential evapotranspiration (PET; kg m-2 d-1) and daily total potential...

My Health My School Survey

The ‘My Health, My School’ (MHMS) annual school survey is a free pupil survey available for pupils in Years 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11 as well as for pupils attending any of our Specialist Inclusive...

DECIPHeR model estimates of daily flow for 1366 gauged catchments in Great Britain (1962-2015) using observed driving data

This dataset provides 100 model realisations of daily river flow in cubic metres per second (m3/s) for 1,366 catchments, for the period 1962 to 2015. The dataset is model output from the DECIPHeR...

Future flows climate data

Future Flows Climate (FF-HadRM3-PPE) is an eleven-member ensemble climate projection for Great Britain at a 1-km resolution spanning from 1950 to 2098. It was specifically developed for...

Daily estimates for meteorological and potential evapotranspiration variables (CHESS) and soil moisture estimates (JULES) at COSMOS-UK sites, 2013-2017

[This dataset is embargoed until November 17, 2025]. This dataset provides daily estimates at locations that are part of the COSMOS-UK monitoring network for meteorological and potential...

Daily and sub-daily hydrometeorological and soil data (2013-2018) [COSMOS-UK]

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. This dataset contains daily and sub-daily hydrometeorological and soil observations from COSMOS-UK (cosmic-ray soil moisture) monitoring network from October 2013...