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154 results found

Statistics on football-related arrests and football banning orders

Annual release of statistics for football-related arrests and football banning orders. Breakdowns provided are by offence, club supported, overseas arrests and arrests by location (inside/outside...

Football pitches

Data showing the usage of football pitches in Plymouth by organisation, as recorded in 2016.

Sunderland Council Football Pitches

List of all current council owned football pitches.

Football and rugby pitches

Football and rugby pitches in Calderdale including, location and address.

Rochford Football Fields

This dataset shows the location of Football Fields within the Rochford District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User...

Statistics on football banning orders

Number of arrests and banning orders issued during the football season. Shown by club and by offence.

DCLG Data4NR: Football related offences

Football related arrests and offences by type of offence for all football clubs in England (Premiership to Blue Square Premier) for the 2007/08 season. Data4NR reference.

Spending Over £25,000 in the Football Licensing Authority

Details of payments above £25,000 made by the Football Licensing Authority.

London at night: research and analysis

The GLA's City Intelligence Unit conducts research and analysis to understand the experiences of Londoners at night as well as the prevalence, characteristics, and experience of night time...

Aircraft night time noise contours

Night time decibel restriction of aircraft within that contour zone. Aircraft are independently monitored to make sure that they conform to the restriction

Alcohol and late Night Refreshment Licensing

Alcohol and late Night Refreshment Licensing Source agency: Home Office Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Alcohol Licensing

Floorspace of selected night time economy establishments by town centre

Floorspace of selected night time economy establishments by town centre data. The Town centre boundaries used are from the 2016 Town Centre Health Check. > [This dataset is included in the...

Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment Licensing

Statistics on the sale of alcohol and the provision of regulated entertainment and late-night refreshment in England and Wales under the Licensing Act 2003. Source agency: Culture, Media and...

Number of people sleeping rough on a single night - (Snapshot)

Number of people sleeping rough on a single night - (Snapshot)

Alcohol and late night refreshment licensing

Draws together statistics on the following licensing authority powers under the Licensing Act 2003

Insect population dynamics, parasitism and behaviour in response to different spectra of artificial light at night

The datasets contain insect numbers, plant biomass, successful attacks of parasitoids, and behavioural response of parasitoids. The data are based on direct observations of insects and plants in...

% of the population exposed to road, rail and air transport noise of 55 dB(A) or more during the night-time

% of the population exposed to road, rail and air transport noise of 55 dB(A) or more during the night-time *This indicator has been discontinued

Effects of different intensities of artificial light at night on multi-trophic population dynamics

The dataset contain insect numbers, plant biomass, successful attacks of parasitoids, and behavioural response of parasitoids. The data are based on direct observations of insects and plants in...

Alcohol, Refreshment and Late Night Entertainment - Licences Issued

A list of licences issued under the Licencing Act 2003.This data will be updated weekly.

Alcohol, Refreshment and Late Night Entertainment - Licence Applications Received

A list of the applications received under the Licencing Act 2003.This data will be updated weekly.