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Coastal Cells

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

Coastal Cells

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

Coastal Cell Limits

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

Coastal Cell Limits

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

Interactive CNS Pressure Cells Map

HPHT fields in the North Sea account for a significant portion of UK total production. Expediting the successful exploitation of new HPHT structures in the UKCS can play a major role in maximising...

Defence Irregularity Reporting Cell Database

Reports of suspected Fraud submitted to the DIR Cell.  All stored on Magic Database which holds personal data relelvant to witnesses, persons of interest, investiating officers, investigation...

NI First Order Coastal Cell Delineation

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

NI First Order Coastal Cell Delineation

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

York Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) Flood Cells

Spatial extents of the flood cells that make up the York Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS). Including information about proposed flood risk defence work for new and existing defences. Made available...

A multicellular organism with embedded cell clusters from the Ediacaran Weng'an biota (Doushantuo Formation, South China) (NERC grant NE/J018325/1)

Table S1.xlsx is Table S1, which contains 2D measurements of cell clusters used in Fig. 5 (this is also available from the publisher's website). The folders SMNH X 4447, SMNH X 5331 and SMNH X 5357...

Soil bacterial cell counts and moisture content from a water stress experiment [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]

These data comprise culturable cell counts in different media from soil microbial analysis within a microcosm experiment investigating moisture perturbations on microbes, set up at the Centre for...

Taxonomic data, neuropil volume measurements, and mushroom body calyx kenyon cell and synapse counts for Heliconiini butterflies, Central and South America, 2012-2016

This dataset contains taxanomic and neuropil volume measurements of wild caught heliconiine butterflies, as well as kenyon cell and synapse counts in the mushroom body calyx of insectory -reared...

Wheat yield resilience metrics for sample 10km x 10km grid cells in England, 2008-2017

Data on resilience of wheat yields in England, derived from the annual Defra Cereals and Oilseeds production survey of commercial farms. The data presented here are summarised over a ten-year...

Assessment of autogenous vaccines, equine stem cell centres and non-food animal blood banks

Good Manufacturing Practice Inspections Team (GMPIT) contribution to these assessments

Activity and length of stay data for the proposed model of care for cardiovascular services in London

-Data that has been used by Commissioning Support for London (CSL) for the preparation of a proposed model of care for cardiovascular services in London. The workbook contains information relating...

Experimental results on the effect of Acid and Neutral Iodine on phytoplankton sample preservation expressed as cell counts, undertaken in 2013 - 2014

The data are the results of lab experiments conducted in 2013-2014 at the Cefas laboratory, Lowestoft, UK. Multiple marine phytoplankton taxa were preserved in one of three different Lugol's...

Experimental results on the effect of Acid and Neutral Iodine on phytoplankton sample preservation expressed as cell counts, undertaken in 2013 - 2014

The data are the results of lab experiments conducted in 2013-2014 at the Cefas laboratory, Lowestoft, UK. Multiple marine phytoplankton taxa were preserved in one of three different Lugol's...

2010 Defra MB0106 SEPA Caged Fish Farms 10km

Location of Finfish farms in Scottish waters, aggregated into 10km grid cells. Information contained within each cell: Total biomass per grid cell, Number of farms and number of farms growing those...

2010 Defra MB0106 SEPA Caged Fish Farms 10km

Location of Finfish farms in Scottish waters, aggregated into 10km grid cells. Information contained within each cell: Total biomass per grid cell, Number of farms and number of farms growing those...

2010 Defra MB0106 Scottish Shellfish Species 10km

Location of shellfish farms in Scottish waters, aggregated into 10km squared grid cells. Information contained within each cell: Number of farms and number of farms growing those species