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195 results found

Missing Trader Intra Community (MTIC) data

Historical amounts of VAT repayments and traders with an MTIC interest set on HMRC systems. Updated: monthly. Data coverage: 2002/03

Missing Trader Intra Community (MTIC) data

Historical amounts of VAT repayments and traders with an MTIC interest set on HMRC systems. Updated: monthly. Data coverage: 2002/03

Near miss hazard incidents

Near miss and hazard data for Environment Agency employees reported from SHERMS 2 system, providing event category, month and year of event, and primary cause of event. Data from May 2011 to March...

Weekly Waste Collection Missed

This indicator is part of the Council's corporate indicator set - K1 W3. This information is published every 6 months, at the half year and year end. The figure given is the total amount of...

Weekly Waste Collection Missed

This indicator is part of the Council's corporate indicator set - K1 W3. This information is published every 6 months, at the half year and year end. The figure given is the total amount of...

Near Miss Incidents March 2000 to May 2012

Near miss incidents reported by Environment Agency employees during the period from March 2000 to May 2012. This is the complete near miss data set from our first reporting system and will not be...

Children Missing from Home or Care, LA Self Evaluation Scores

The release provides data on the self-evaluation scores given by each local authority in relation to available measures to monitor and respond to cases of Children Missing from Home or Care. A new...

Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth

Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth

Missed bins per 100,000 collections - (YTD) (COLI3)

Missed bins per 100,000 collections - (YTD) (COLI3)

OGTC Missed Pay Project Energective Data

The data provide in the downloadable zip files are artefacts of the OGTC Overlooked Pay Project and comprise data gathered and data conditioned by Sword IT Solutions and Energective.The data...

OGTC Missed Pay Project Sword IT Data

The data provide in the downloadable zip files are artefacts of the OGTC Overlooked Pay Project and comprise data gathered and data conditioned by Sword IT Solutions and Energective.The data...

% of half days missed by pupils due to overall absence (including authorised and unauthorised absence)

% of half days missed by pupils due to overall absence (including authorised and unauthorised absence) *This indicator has been discontinued

Allergy Alerts

Sometimes there will be a problem with a food product that means it should not be sold. Then it might be 'withdrawn' (taken off the shelves) or 'recalled' (when customers are asked to return the...

Accident Reporting System

Accident, near miss and incident report submissions.

Social Lettings Tables

Social lettings information recorded on CORE (Continuous Recording of Lettings) in 2011/12 adjusted for missing local authority landlord data. Source agency: Communities and Local...

Children’s Social Care Workforce Collection

The children's social care workforce collection collects data at an local authority aggregated level on the number of social workers, vacancies, starters, leavers, agency workers and the number of...

Permanent dwellings completed, England, District By Tenure - Rolling 4 quarter total

This data set contains rolling four quarter totals (England only) on house building completions. From 2011/12 imputed data is included. Imputed data should not be seen as an estimate for the...

Meteorological data sampled from the Alice Holt (Surrey) Flux Tower (1999-2012)

Meteorological data have been collected at the Alice Holt Flux tower since 1999, these data are used in combination with the data set ‘Net CO2 exchange, evaporation and heat flux data from Alice...

Anonymised MOT tests and results

All MOT tests and outcomes, including make and model of vehicle, odometer reading and reasons for failure, since the MOT system was computerised in 2005. Users should note the changes made to...

Northern Ireland Outpatient Statistics

The publication relates to activity at consultant led outpatient services in Health and Social Care hospitals in Northern Ireland. Data includes the number of new and review attendances, missed...