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222 results found

Old British School and Colchester Lying-in-Charity

  The Council acts as trustee for these funds:   Old British School Trustees: assists education of people under 25 years of age resident in the Borough, or to assist their entry into a...

Old British School and Colchester Lying-in-Charity

  The Council acts as trustee for these funds:   Old British School Trustees: assists education of people under 25 years of age resident in the Borough, or to assist their entry into a...

% of panel who think that rubbish or litter lying around is a problem in their local area

% of panel who think that rubbish or litter lying around is a problem in their local area

% of panel who think that rubbish or litter lying around is not a problem in their local area

% of panel who think that rubbish or litter lying around is not a problem in their local area

Enhancing our Understanding: Identifying Shipwrecks of Historic Importance lying within Deposits of Marine Aggregate

The Identifying Shipwrecks of Historic Importance project was undertaken by staff of Bournemouth University and was funded by the Aggregates Levy Sustanability Fund as rebursed by English...

Enhancing our Understanding: Identifying Shipwrecks of Historic Importance lying within Deposits of Marine Aggregate

The Identifying Shipwrecks of Historic Importance project was undertaken by staff of Bournemouth University and was funded by the Aggregates Levy Sustanability Fund as rebursed by English...

ukcp09: Gridded Datasets of Monthly values - Days of snow lying

ukcp09-Gridded datasets based on surface observations have been generated for a range of climatic variables. The primary purpose of this data resource is to encourage and facilitate research into...

Vacant and Derelict Land - South Ayrshire

Areas of land which were previously developed, and that now lie vacant or derelict

Police pension administrator contacts

The responsibility for administering the police pension schemes lies locally in each police force area. This dataset contains relevant contact details.

Derbyshire Dales Conservation Areas

Conservation Area polygons in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak District.

Derbyshire Dales Article 4 direction

Article 4 polygons in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak District.

Derbyshire Dales EC2 - Employment Sites

2017 Local Plan employment sites in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak District.

Derbyshire Dales H16 School Sites

2017 Local Plan Schools polygons in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak District.

Derbyshire Dales EC4 - Existing Employment Sites

2017 Local Plan existing employment sites in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak District.

Derbyshire Dales S3 - Settlement Framework Boundaries

2017 Local Plan Settlement Boundary polygons in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak District.

Derbyshire Dales HC2 Housing Site Allocations

2017 Local Plan Housing Site Allocations polygons in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak District.

Derbyshire Dales PD10 A6 Corridor

2017 Local Plan A6 Corridor polygons in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak District.

Derbyshire Dales EC7 - Primary Shopping Frontages

2017 Local Plan Primary Shopping Frontages polygons in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak District.

HC14 - Open Space and Recreation

2017 Local Plan Open Space and Recreation polygons in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak District.

Derbyshire Dales HC6 Gypsy and Traveller Provision

2017 Local Plan Gypsy and Traveller Provision polygons in the Derbyshire Dales District Council planning area. This is the part of the Derbyshire Dales which lies outside the Peak District.