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        Habitat point records from 1991 SOAFD St. Abbs/Bell Rock sludge-dumping sites survey

        Forth River Purification Board, and Scientific Services Laboratory, Dept. Water And Drainage, Edinburgh.

        Species point records from 1991 SOAFD St. Abbs/Bell Rock sludge-dumping sites survey

        Forth River Purification Board, and Scientific Services Laboratory, Dept. Water And Drainage, Edinburgh. Records currently considered sensitive have been removed from this dataset.

        Map of soil leaching potential (partial cover)

        The map shows the risk of potential pollutants and nutrients leaching through the soil to ground and surface waters. This map primarily covers the cultivated land in Scotland. The soil leaching...

        Plynlimon research catchments: soil parent materials

        Distribution of soil parent materials in the Severn and Wye catchments. These were mapped during the Soil Hydrology Study conducted by JP Bell in 1968-1969: Bell, J.P. (1969). The Soil Hydrology of...

        2022, Chrysaor Ltd, Bell ZX, Victor JM and Kelvin TM Site Survey, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_1368

        An oil and gas industry site survey acquired in April 2022. The block numbers traversed were 49/22, 49/17, 44/18.

        Skircoat Ward

        The Skircoat ward dataset includes the ward map; demographic profile; Public Health England local health report; Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) factsheet; Public health data; a ward hex map;...

        Cod End Mesh Size Trials in the SW Otter Trawl Fishery 2017/18 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        Eleven days of sea trials comprising 40 tows were successfully completed on board the twin-rig otter trawler ‘Our Olivia Belle’ (BD277) in the Western English Channel in August 2017 allowing...

        Cod End Mesh Size Trials in the SW Otter Trawl Fishery 2017/18 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        Eleven days of sea trials comprising 40 tows were successfully completed on board the twin-rig otter trawler ‘Our Olivia Belle’ (BD277) in the Western English Channel in August 2017 allowing...

        Available Water Capacity, Scotland WMS

        The proportion of water held in the soil at field capacity (5KPa) and at the permanent wilting point (1500kPa) was calculated for each soil horizon of each soil taxonomic unit (soil series)...

        Dissolved methane concentrations in groundwater (NERC Grant NE/R017832/1)

        This dataset contains dissolved methane concentrations from groundwater in Great Britain, predominantly from England. Data were collated in Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format from four publicly...

        Field and analytical data from Tipperary CO2 seep, Daylesford, Australia (2017)

        This dataset contains: 1. An excel spreadsheet of field data from Tipperary pool, including CO2 bubble locations, raw and derived flux data, and field description. March 2017 field campaign. 2....

        Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCL06593

        Survey name: Maltby, Lilly Hall Road (Rotherham U.D.P. Site H50) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data - scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual...

        Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCL02996

        Survey name: Maltby, Lilly Hall Farm (Rotherham UDP, Land adjoining Site H51) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for...

        ENPA BAP Upland Heath

        Upland heathland is defined as vegetation dominated by dwarf shrubs such as heather, bell heather, whortleberry and gorses which is generally found above the 300 metre contour. The mixture of...

        ENPA BAP Lowland Heath

        Lowland heath is defined as vegetation in which dwarf-shrubs such as heather, bell heather and western gorse are a prominent component. Generally lowland heath communities occur below the 300 metre...

        Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post1988 survey ALCL10595

        Survey name: North Stainley (Ure Valley-Bell Flask C) (North Yorks Minerals Local Pla) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data - scanned original paper maps and survey...

        Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCR06796

        Survey name: Hoo St Werburgh, Bell's Lane Stables (Medway Towns LP) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual...

        Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCR01196

        Survey name: Hoo St Werburgh, Bell's Lane (Medway Towns LP Site 46) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual...

        Soil World Reference Base, Scotland WMS

        In order to generate a soil map of Scotland using the WRB soil classification system, the dominant soil taxonomic unit in each 1:250 000 scale soil map units were classified according to the...

        Area VII Haddock Discard Eliminations using Technical Measures 2014/15 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        Following experimental work carried out in 2013, a twin-rig trawler, the Ilfracombe-based *Our Olivia Belle *(BD 277), was chartered to undertake further trials of a modified demersal trawl in...