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        309 results found

        Traveline Data

        Traveline Information Limited offers several open data options including TNDS, NextBuses API and National Operator Code database (NOC)


        Traveline Information Limited offers several open data options including TNDS, NextBuses API and National Operator Code database (NOC).

        Barrow Borough Local Plan - Previous Consultation Drafts

        Barrow Borough Council is preparing a new Local Plan which will update and replace current local planning policy. The Plan will cover a period of 15 years, up to 2031, and will shape the future of...

        FGS WIG WIAT Urban Management Plans

        This option aims to provide support for the creation of a Woods In and Around Towns - Urban Woodland Management Plan which sets out the management and public access objectives for the...

        Equitas (Judicial Appointments Commission Candidate database)

        Judicial Appointments database of candidates containing personal details of applicant, which include career history, qualifications, self assessment information, references and diversity data which...

        RDC - Woodland Creation Boundary

        Woodland Creation formed part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2007 - 2013. The SRDP is a programme of economic, environmental and social measures, utilising European...

        FGS SMF Species Conservation

        Scotland’s woodlands and forests are a vital national resource and play an important role in rural development and sustainable land use. As well as helping to reduce the impacts of climate change...

        2001, BP Exploration, UKCS 47/5a-E (Bessie), Site Survey, BGS Reference Number BP01SS0007

        An oil and gas industry rig site survey acquired in January 2001 to investigate three optional locations for the Bessie well. The block number traversed was 47/5.

        WFD RBMP2 Economic analysis 2015_Scenario 3 and 4_v1.10

        The impact assessment (IA) for the updated river basin management plans was built from multiple data sources and is based on many assumptions. The Scenario 3 dataset considers all technically...

        High Speed Rail consultation (electronic)

        Responses received to the 2011 High Speed Rail consultation (web, e-mail, scanned version of hard copy responses). Dataset contain personal information including name, address, postcode, email...

        Local Development Plan: Development Road Actions - Argyll and Bute

        Action identified in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015 in support of its settlement plans and proposals involving safeguarding measures, feasibility studies into options and...

        Department for Transport central Staff Directory

        Staff Directory includes details of name, payband, unit, building, location and contact details (phone, fax, email), job title and function. Plus additional (optional) fields to record normal...

        Housing: key data for Colchester

        The summary contains key statistics from the Housing and Homelessness Strategies including the housing stock, housing register, homelessness and housing options service, development of new homes,...

        Housing: key data for Colchester

        The summary contains key statistics from the Housing and Homelessness Strategies including the housing stock, housing register, homelessness and housing options service, development of new homes,...

        Council energy consumption

        Energy consumption of council sites from council buildings to street lighting. The data set includes the energy consumption, associated costs and from 2013/14 carbon implications. ·Electricity is...

        Traffic Penalty Charge Notice dashboards

        These dashboards provide details of all traffic Penalty Charge Notices issued to vehicles in the London Borough of Barnet since 1 January 2015. Analysis of issued PCNs can be carried out by...

        FGS Target Area - Woodlands for Riparian Benefits

        This dataset identifies the target areas where a higher Forestry Grant Scheme payment rate is available for creation of new riparian woodlands. The Woodlands for Riparian Benefits target area...

        FGS WIG Habitats and Species - New Natural Regeneration - Claims

        Scotland’s woodlands and forests are a vital national resource and play an important role in rural development and sustainable land use. As well as helping to reduce the impacts of climate change...

        Claimants of Job Seekers Allowance

        This animated map allows users to see how the number and distribution of JSA claimants has changed over time. Options allow you to view data for just males or females, those aged 18-24, and those...

        Moving Traffic PCN Dashboard

        The Moving Traffic Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) Dashboard contains details of all moving traffic PCNs issued in the London Borough of Barnet since 9 February 2016. Analysis of issued PCNs can be...