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10 results found

PEEL assessments data

PEEL is an annual assessment of police forces in England and Wales. Forces are assessed on their effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy. The PEEL assessment data contains data received from all...

Rainfall Gauge Peel Park

These data were measured using 'industry standard' tipping bucket rain gauges however they should not be considered as necessarily conforming to Met Office standards. Whilst suitable sites were...

Valuing the police data

Valuing the police data fed into several reports, such as 'Valuing the police, preparedness' in 2011, 'Policing in austerity: one year on' in 2012, 'Policing in austerity: Rising to the Challenge'...

Crushed rock-water experimental data investigating the role of flash heating in hydrogen and hydrogen peroxide from silicate rocks and pyrite (NERC Grants NE/W005506/1,NE/S001670/1)

The datasets include the results of microcosm experiments documenting the generation of hydrogen gas, hydrogen peroxide and dissolved iron from silicate rocks and pyrite at zero deg C after they...

Köppen-Geiger climate classification prediction maps for the UK at 1 km resolution, 1901–2080

The data deposited here underlie an assessment of the exposure of UK habitats to climate change, and a linked assessment of how well current UK plant monitoring schemes cover these exposure...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 2009/1: Coastal and Estuarine Evolution - Sheppey: Thames/Medway (09/Mar/2009 to 13/Mar/2009)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical survey took place in March 2009 in the Medway & Swale Estuaries on board the Medway Surveyor. The purpose was to obtain the data...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCW05993

Survey name: WARRINGTON L.P SITE 8, PEEL HALL Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in...

HES LiDAR 2016 and 2017 Project: Data procured from Fugro (non-commercial government licence)

This LiDAR data was captured by Fugro and procured by Historic Environment Scotland (HES) as part of the Rae Project, the 3D Digital Documentation of HES’ Properties in Care and for other HES...

21st Century Exploration RoadMap (21CXRM) Palaeozoic Petroleum Systems Analysis Project: Irish Sea Products

Reports, images, GIS and gridded products describing the Palaeozoic geology and conventional petroleum systems of parts of the UK offshore from the greater Irish Sea area. Carboniferous rocks were...

Continental extension leading to breakup: determining the 3D structure of the west Galicia rifted margin (NERC Grant NE/E015883/1)

The data result from a cooperative project between the U.K., U.S., Germany, Spain, and Portugal. This 2013 seismic experiment surveyed the Galicia Bank region off Iberia with the RV Marcus...