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        John Muir Way

        The John Muir Way (JMW) is a long distance coast to coast route launched in April 2014. It is a Central Scotland Green Network project developed by NatureScot in partnership with Local Authorities,...

        Spend over £25,000 for Sir John Soane's Museum

        Spend over £25,000 at Sir John Soane's Museum

        Spend at The John Innes Centre in Norwich

        A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending made by The John Innes Centre, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. The inital files contain only...

        Scanned images of seismological papers and reports compiled by John Wartnaby

        Scanned collection of seismological journals and offprints. The original collection was compiled by John Wartnaby. John Wartnaby was a curator at the Science Museum, London, and wrote a historical...

        St John's Lake intertidal biotope map (Tamar estuary, Plymouth)

        This dataset is a biotope map of the intertidal zone of St John's Lake, Plymouth Sound. This map was produced as a result of a broad scale mapping survey of Plymouth Sound carried out in July 1996....

        1962 - 2001 John Hawthorne, Weymouth Beach records, littoral survey

        The simplest method of evaluating beach fauna is to visit after a period of strong easterly or south easterly winds at spring tides. John Hawthorne regularly wrote an update on the marine...

        1962 - 2001 John Hawthorne, Weymouth Beach records, littoral survey

        The simplest method of evaluating beach fauna is to visit after a period of strong easterly or south easterly winds at spring tides. John Hawthorne regularly wrote an update on the marine...

        A74-Littoral Biotope Survey and Condition Assessment of the Tamar Tavy & St John's Lake SSSIs 2010

        A Natural England commissioned verification survey. Littoral biotope survey and condition assessment of the Tamar, Tavy & St John's Lake SSSI. The purpose of the study was to establish a...

        Index To Specimens Transferred From The John Smith Collection To The UK (North) Type and Stratigraphical Collection

        This index is a list of specimens and slides taken from the John Smith Collection and placed in the Type and Stratigraphical (T&S) Collection of Scotland and Northern England. To some extent it...

        Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1377, Belfast Lough to St Johns Point, (01/01/2013 to 01/06/2013)

        Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1377; Belfast Lough to...

        PlumeMOM model inputs and simulation results for 22/12/2018 Anak Krakatau volcanic eruption (NERC Grants NE/T002026/1, NE/T002018/1)

        The folders contain the inputs required to run numerical simulations of the Anak Krakatau eruption in 2018, including ERA wind field data, and model input files (.bak). Two sets of simulations were...

        2009-2011 Bishop et al. UK Asterocarpa humilis records

        A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from John Bishop. The species listed is Asterocarpa humilis.

        British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical and Sampling Survey 1973/JM/18: Irish Sea, St. George's Channel and Bristol Channel (09/11/1973 to 29/11/1973)

        This sampling and geophysical survey has been carried out by British Geological Survey (BGS) (formerly Institute of Geological Sciences (IGS), the survey took place in November 1973 in the Irish...

        1915-2011 Bishop et al. UK records for Amphibalanus amphitrite, Caprella mutica, Crepidula fornicata, Hesperibalanus fallax, Sargassum muticum and Schizoporella japonica

        A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from John Bishop. The species listed are Amphibalanus amphitrite, Caprella mutica, Crepidula fornicata, Hesperibalanus fallax, Sargassum muticum and...

        1915-2011 Bishop et al. UK records for Amphibalanus amphitrite, Caprella mutica, Crepidula fornicata, Hesperibalanus fallax, Sargassum muticum and Schizoporella japonica

        A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from John Bishop. The species listed are Amphibalanus amphitrite, Caprella mutica, Crepidula fornicata, Hesperibalanus fallax, Sargassum muticum and...

        British Geological Survey (BGS) Sampling Survey 1975/13: Bristol Channel (04/Sep/1975 to 07/Sep/1975)

        This British Geological Survey (BGS) regional marine sampling survey took place in September 1975 in the Bristol Channle on board the RRS John Murray. Seabed samples and cores were collected using...

        Optical microscopy photomicrographs taken of thin sections of samples from the Warton slag bank in northwest England (2022-2023) (NERC Grant NE/X009718/1)

        This dataset contains photographs from an optical microscope by transmitted light and reflected light. The data was collected in 2022-2023. The data was collected for the purpose of visualising...

        Observations from the International Phenology Garden at Alice Holt, Hampshire (2005-2015)

        These data are the annual records of observations of phenological phases of plants in the International Phenology Garden (IPG) at Alice Holt, Hampshire. The IPG network consists of replicated...

        National Record of the Historic Environment (Scotland): Canmore Areas

        Defining Scotland’s Places (DSP) aims to define the known extent of the archaeological sites and monuments in the National Record of the Historic Environment at Historic Environment Scotland, John...

        Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) data from samples collected from sites of lithified artifical ground (Warton, Glengarnock, Derwent Howe, Harrington, Auchendinny, Lynemouth) in Scotland and northwest England (2022-2023) (NERC Grant NE/X009718/1)

        This dataset contains SEM data comprising raw data files (.dat) and AZtec file (.oip) for reading the data. The data was collected in 2022-2023. The data was collected for the purpose of...