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6 results found

Invertebrate Common Standards Monitoring and ISIS Test Data

This dataset represents an accumulation of invertebrate records from both common standards monitoring (CSM) and the testing of ISIS (Invertebrate Species-habitats Information System). Invertebrate...

Invertebrate Common Standards Monitoring and ISIS Test Data

This dataset represents an accumulation of invertebrate records from both common standards monitoring (CSM) and the testing of ISIS (Invertebrate Species-habitats Information System). Invertebrate...

Invertebrate Common Standards Monitoring and ISIS Test Data

This dataset represents an accumulation of invertebrate records from both common standards monitoring (CSM) and the testing of ISIS (Invertebrate Species-habitats Information System). Invertebrate...

Defence Logistic Information Item of Supply Information System (ISIS)

Includes information on standards

Central Health and Safety Project

This is the legacy system used to capture Health and Safety events within the MoD. It was run by DASA and has now been replaced by ISIS. The data is maintained as an archive by DASA for Statistical...

The Pantheon database: habitat related traits, conservation status and taxa associations for invertebrates in England

The Pantheon database contains habitat-related traits, feeding guilds, conservation status (including rarity and threat status), legal protection data and associations with other taxa for just over...