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        Viewers' experience of television reception

        This document reports on research into the frequency of interference or disruption experienced by television broadcast viewers, across all platforms, as well as the types of disruption experienced...

        UKCS Relinquishment Reports Viewer

        Relinquishment ReportsA licensee can relinquish a licence or surrender acreage from a production licence at any time. The licensee must send the NSTA a Relinquishment Report within three months of...

        Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) Delivery Team – electronic Case File Viewer

        Old Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) programme pre 2007 files

        ONS Logo white 200px 96dpi for bdy viewer title bar


        Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) Delivery Team ヨ electronic Case File Viewer

        Old Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) programme pre 2007 files

        Northern Ireland Wrecks database

        This dataset consists of all identified shipwrecks and aircraft wrecks that fall within Northern Ireland's Marine Plan extent. These include wrecks which have been designated under the Protection...

        Care Homes

        This dataset contains the locations of Care Homes and Care Homes with Nursing Provision within the Metropolitan District of Bradford. The latitude/longitude location fields are indicative only,...

        Cycle Storage

        Location and number of cycle storage facilities, including stands, shelters and lockers. Details include: description, number, location, town and geographical co-ordinates.  [Cycle...

        Development Advice Maps (DAM)

        The Development Advice Map (DAM) shows areas at risk of flooding from rivers and the sea for the purposes of land-use planning. The DAM supports Planning Policy Wales and Technical Advice...

        Land and Property Assets August 2021

        The government asset data enclosed represents the information available at a point in time. The data should NOT be relied upon as a legally binding or a definitive source of site boundary...

        Technical parameters for broadcast radio transmitters

        The following information comprises details of the technical parameters of all analogue VHF, MF, and DAB transmitters (including services on multiplexes) currently on-air. In-use parameters are...

        3D Urban Interactive geological models

        3D geology models have been created for London, Glasgow, Cardiff and Liverpool. Users can create geological cross-sections, synthetic boreholes and horizontal slices through the 3D models....

        Bradford car parks

        Resources from the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CBMDC) Parking service. 1. Car park locations a simple csv containing name and location including latitude /...

        Marine Heatwaves and Cold Spells: Dataset and Methods

        Cefas Data Cube Viewer which can be accessed here: ``_ This portal contains Ostia Marine Heatwaves (MHW) and Cold Spells (MCS) dataset between 2020-present. There...

        Marine Environmental Mapping (MAREMAP) 1:10 000 scale bedrock map for Weymouth Bay, Dorset

        This is a 1:10,000 scale Bedrock geological map for some 800 km2 of the seabed across Weymouth Bay in Dorset. It joins seamlessly to the onshore BGS 1:10,000 scale Digital Geological Mapping...

        Assessing Welsh Aquaculture Activities

        The two AWAA Interactions Spreadsheets in Excel present the potential sensitivity of biotopes (components of habitats) and species (designated within MPAs, SSSIs or included within the...

        UKCCSRC Call 1 project data: Global inventory of natural and artificial CO2 release sites

        Controlled CO2 release experiments and studies of natural CO2 seeps have been undertaken at sites across the globe for CCS applications. The scientific motivation, experimental design, baseline...

        Experimental and numerical data for "Characterising Drainage Multiphase flow in Heterogeneous Sandstones" by Jackson, Krevor et al, 2018

        The data presented here contains the experimental X-ray CT dataset used for the paper "Characterising Drainage Multiphase flow in Heterogeneous Sandstones" by Jackson, Krevor et al (DOI...

        National Audit of Primary Breast Cancer (NAoPri) State of the Nation Report 2024

        The aim of the National Audit of Primary Breast Cancer (NAoPri) is to evaluate the patterns of care and outcomes for people with primary breast cancer in England and Wales, and to support services...

        National Audit of Metastatic Breast Cancer (NAoMe) State of the Nation Report

        The aim of the National Audit of Metastatic Breast Cancer (NAoMe) is to evaluate the patterns of care and outcomes for people with metastatic breast cancer in England and Wales, and to support...