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        Consumer Price Inflation

        An analysis of trends in inflation since 1947 as measured by the Retail Prices Index (RPI). Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

        Defence Inflation Estimates

        The statistical notice will present a chain-linked Laspeyres price index and corresponding year-on-year price growths for personnel expenditure, contract expenditure and overall defence...

        Introducing the new RPIJ measure of Consumer Price Inflation

        This article describes the new RPIJ measure of Consumer Price Inflation. RPIJ is a Retail Prices Index (RPI) based measure that will use a geometric (Jevons) formula in place of one type of...

        Users and uses of consumer price inflation statistics

        Consumer price inflation statistics are important indicators of how the UK economy is performing. They are used in many ways by individuals, government, businesses and academics. Inflation...

        Pay and Inflation Trends in London and the UK, 2010-2022

        ### Introduction This note summarises trends in pay in London and the UK since 2010 and compares them to inflation trends. The focus is on median gross weekly earnings for all employees (full- and...

        Introducing the new CPIH measure of Consumer Price Inflation

        This article describes CPIH - the new, additional measure of Consumer Price Inflation including owner occupiers' housing costs (OOH). The rental equivalence approach is used to measure OOH. The...

        Consumer Prices Inflation Basket of Goods and Services 2014

        The 'shopping basket' of items making up the suite of consumer price inflation indices (CPI, CPIH, RPIJ & RPI) are reviewed every year. Some items are taken out of the basket, some are brought...

        House Price Index

        Mix-adjusted house prices, a chain linked index and measures of annual inflation. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

        Map based index (GeoIndex) water wells

        This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) is a map based index of the National Well Record Archive. This index shows the location of water wells along with basic information such as well name,...

        Map based index (GeoIndex) technical reports

        This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) provides an index to a sub set of the BGS Report Series. The reports themselves describe the local geology and are designed to be read in conjunction...

        Map based index (GeoIndex) onshore borehole records

        This layer of the Map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of records of boreholes, shafts and wells from all forms of drilling and site investigation work. Some 850,000 records dating back...

        The reconciliation of the differences between the Consumer Price Index and the Implied Price Deflator

        The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) is the preferred measure of inflation used in the application of monetary policy by the Bank of England. Within the System of National Accounts, and subsequently...

        Map based index (GeoIndex) mineral assessment reports

        This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of available Mineral Assessment Reports, the information for the index has been taken from the BGS UK Sand and Gravel Database. Each...

        Spring Index

        Spring Index

        Map based index (GeoIndex) site investigation reports

        This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of site reports covering a wide range of drilling and site investigation work. Some 2000 reports include the logs from over 10 000...

        Map based index (GeoIndex) waste sites

        This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of waste sites within England and Wales. The information is taken from an index listing of some 3500 waste sites in England and Wales...

        Map based index (GeoIndex) rock

        This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the locations of over 12,500 rock samples from the land area of the United Kingdom gathered as part of the Mineral Reconnaissance Programme (MRP)....

        Map based index (GeoIndex) hydrogeological maps

        This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of available Hydrogeological Maps which have been published at various scales, covering areas ranging in size from the whole of...

        Map based index (GeoIndex) onshore drillcore

        This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of drillcore, bulk specimens, unwashed cuttings and processed material from onshore boreholes drilled in UK by BGS, commercial and...

        Map based index (GeoIndex) mineral occurrences

        This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the locations of known mines, mineral showings and localities, including sites where minerals of economic interest have been identified in panned...