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        Indian Seaman Database

        Details of war pension claims by widows of Indian Seamen

        Five Deeps Expedition to map the Diamantina Fracture Zone (Indian Ocean)

        The Dordrecht Deep, the deepest section of the Diamantina Fracture Zone (Indian Ocean), was surveyed with a Kongsberg EM 124 gondola-mounted to the hull of the 225-foot DSSV Pressure Drop. The...

        Five Deeps Expedition to map the Java Trench (Indian Ocean)

        The Java Trench was surveyed with a Kongsberg EM 124 gondola-mounted to the hull of the 225-foot DSSV Pressure Drop. The survey was conducted over the course of two weeks – March 26th – April 9th,...

        Far East Prisoner of War: Changi List database, Indian Army (INA) database, Red Book Master

        Details of HKSRA claims referred for verification of identity visit. Records outcome decision.

        Radar derived seasonal surface water maps for three Indian districts (Shivamogga, Sindhudurg, Wayanad), 2017-2018

        Data provided are monthly surface water layers extracted from Sentinel1A SAR data for 3 districts in India (Shivamogga, Sindhudurg, Wayanad) for the year 2017 and 2018. Surface water body layers...

        High Court Bulletin

        This publication contains information on the High Court in Northern Ireland in relation to: chancery, Queen's Bench, judicial reviews, probate, wardship and adoption, matrimonial, bails, patients,...

        IODP Exp. 353 Site U1446 Indian Summer Monsoon proxies across Termination II (NERC grant NE/L002493/1)

        Data collected from IODP Expedition 353, Site U1446. Data represent ISM derived rainfall and runoff proxies across Termination II. Mid-depth on CCSFA scale. Two age columns derived from age models...

        Morphometric data for a new species of fossil planktonic foraminifera, Globigerinoides rublobatus n. sp, from IODP Site U1483A (NERC Grant NE/L002485/1)

        Morphometric data, produced and used, to describe Globigerinoides rublobatus n. sp., a new species of fossil planktonic foraminifera from the Pleistocene Indian Ocean. We used image analysis and...

        Paleogene bulk sediment stable oxygen and carbon isotope data (NERC grant NE/R012490/1)

        Low-resolution Paleogene bulk sediment stable oxygen and carbon isotope data from IODP Expedition 369, Sites U1514 and U1516 in the SE Indian Ocean.

        Family Court Statistics

        The bulletin presents the latest statistics on the type and volume of family cases that are received and processed through the justice system of England and Wales. It focuses on all areas of...

        Nannofossil assemblage data IODP expedition U359 (NERC grant NE/N014049/1)

        Nannofossil assemblage data IODP expedition U359 produced from NERC Grant NE/N014049/1. Data collected from the Maldives, Indian Ocean. NERC grant award abstract: IOPD Expedition 359, Sea Level,...

        Geophysical Surveys In The Middle And Far East

        Data from geophysical surveys carried out by the British Geological Survey in many countries in the Middle East, the Indian sub-continent and Indo-China for different agencies. The surveys range...

        Provenance of Nicobar Fan sediments from IODP Expedition 362, offshore Sumatra (NERC grant NE/P016618/1)

        Detrital zircon age data, details of Expedition 362 samples . For more information see published report, IODP Sites U1480–U1481, located on the Indian...

        Pliocene Palaeoclimate off Southeastern Africa: Insights from IODP Expedition 361 (NERC grant NE/N020286/1)

        The data comprises a multi-proxy dataset of 49 samples spanning approximately the time interval from 1.8-3.9 Ma according to the currently available shipboard age model from offshore the Limpopo...

        Early Miocene ASEM element maps from IODP Site U1480 (NERC grant NE/P021182/1)

        Element maps from 5x 10 cm sections generated using the Zeiss Sigma HD Field Emission Gun Analytical SEM at Cardiff University. Maps come from sections within the early Miocene pelagic interval...

        High temporal resolution meteorology and soil physics observations from INCOMPASS land surface stations in India, 2016 to 2018

        The dataset contains time series observations of meteorological and soil physics variables logged at one minute time resolution at three Land Surface Stations in India. The three INCOMPASS Land...

        High resolution climate data, Sirsi, Western Ghats, India, 2021-2022

        The data comprise high resolution climate measurements including temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, wind gust speed, wind direction and dew point measured in an open space in proximity...

        Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCB03895

        Survey name: Indian Queens, Gaverigan Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail...

        Land Cover/Land Use maps (30m) for Shivamogga, Sindhudurg and Wayanad, India, 2018

        This dataset contains Land Cover/Land Use (LCLU) maps for Sindhudurg, Shivamogga and Wayanad, India. LCLU products are state-of-the-art statically stable and area weighted accuracy assessed...

        RV DISCOVERY 200/1993 Low Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

        The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. These data were collected in the South Indian Ocean. Data were collected using the lowered CTD rosette system which...