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Mobile and Flexible Working survey

Survey of HMRC staff working patterns and attitudes to mobile/flexible working. Updated: one-off survey. Data coverage: 2013/14

Mobile and Flexible Working survey

Survey of HMRC staff working patterns and attitudes to mobile/flexible working. Updated: one-off survey. Data coverage: 2013/14

Flexible Resourcing Records

Recruitment - matching skills profiles and availability to identify candidates with the right skills.

Flexible Support Fund

The Flexible Support Fund forms part of the overall Jobcentre Plus Pre-Work Programme Offer and is used to fill gaps and add support where DWP provision, non contracted partner provision or adviser...

Flexible Deployment Tool

Timesheet allocation of hours on variety of projects. Competency Self-Assessments. Only name, position and time allocations & self-assessments held within.

HMRC Departmental Improvement Plan

This Departmental Improvement Plan sets out what is intended to deliver the long term health and success of the department. The Plan is based around the following critical themes of...

Your Reward Flexible Benefits System

Information held on Your Reward system covers staff names, staff number, location, age, grade, start date, work status, salary, contract hours, tax code and NI, benefits selected and costs. Payroll...

Nature Improvement Areas

NIAs are areas of the country where partnerships have been set up to enhance the natural environment. NIAs embody an integrated, holistic approach that was signalled in the Natural Environment...

Modern workplaces consultation: government response. Equality impact assessment (EQIA) on flexible parental leave and flexible working

Data from the impact assessment for proposals to make employment practices in the UK more flexible and family-friendly. The data provides ethnic breakdown of male employees; male employees with a...

Grow With Wyre Woodland Improvement Grant Project Area

The dataset boundary allowed targeting of English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Improvement Grant (WIG) within the scheme area in the West Midlands Region as part of the 2008 - 2011 EWGS...

Modern workplaces consultation: government response on flexible working. Impact assessment

Data supporting the impact assessment for proposals to extend the right to request flexible working to all employees. These proposals aim to facilitate the employee-employer information exchange...

Improvements to the Construction Price Indices and impacts

This article reports on work to develop and test improvements to the methodology and reporting of the construction price and cost indices. Source agency: Business, Innovation and...

Countryside Stewardship Scoring Woodland Improvement England 2016/2017

This dataset was used for scoring Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship applications for Woodland Improvement in England for 2016/17. Countryside Stewardship (CS) was launched in 2015 and is a Rural...

Transport Improvements

Local Plan Review Proposed Modifications 2005 - Development plan for the city. Transport Improvements.

Organogram for NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

A list of executive director and director posts at the NHS Institute including name, title, contact details, their line manager. A list of posts below the executive director and director and...

Notice to Improve Improvement action plans

Notice To Improve - Improvement action plans provider specific

Business Improvement Districts

Data to show boundaries of City BIDs and Business Partnerships

Improving the local area

Survey results on improving the local area

Highway Improvement Schemes

Planned highway improvement schemes

Improvements in Estimating Migration

On 17th November 2011 the Office for National Statistics (ONS) as part of their Migration Statistics Improvement Programme (MSIP) released their improved methodology for producing local authority...