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263 results found

Cycle Hire

London cycle hire stations

Belfast Bike Hire Stations

This dataset contains locational data on Belfast Bike Hire Stations

London Cycle Hire Scheme

shows location of cycle routes and cycle hire stations in lambeth

Taxi & Private Hire Licensing

Link to Licensing details page for Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles, Drivers and Operators.

Taxi & Private Hire Licensing

Link to Licensing details page for Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles, Drivers and Operators.

Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Statistics

Statistics on taxis and Private Hire Vehicles Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Statistics

Cycle Hire and Hub Locations

This dataset contains approximate locations of Cycle Hub (cycle storage) and Cycle Hire facilities.

Belfast Bike Hire Rentals and Returns

This data set contains information on Belfast bike hire rentals and returns by station, and grouped by month and year

Leeds private hire operator licences issued

All current private hire operators licences (including operator licences that do not currently have any vehicles or drivers associated with them). This dataset is updated weekly

Taxi and private hire licences - total number

Breakdown of the number of each type of taxi and private hire licence issued in Leeds

Taxi Licensing - Wheelchair Accessible Private Hire Vehicles

Details of wheelchair accessible private hire vehicles.This data will be updated monthly.

Taxi and private hire vehicle licences

The reports list all vehicles licensed as a taxis/private hire by Cheltenham Borough Council including registration number, make, model and date licensed from and to. Publication of these lists...

Real-time Syndromic Surveillance

Real-time Syndromic Surveillance

Private hire drivers and vehicles registered to each licensed operator

Automated Update ---------------- Private hire operators licensed in leeds and the number of private hire vehicles and drivers that are registered as working with them. This dataset is updated...

Lichfield District Council Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles

Lichfield District Council register of Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles. Also includes a list of wheelchair accessible vehicles.

Real-time train running data

Real-time train running data

An Examination of Falling Real Wages

According to several ONS measures, real wages have been falling since 2010. This article uses ONS data to examine four possible factors behind this; productivity, real wage wedges, hours worked,...

Hackney carriage and private hire drivers licences issued in Leeds

List of all hackney carriage driver (taxi) and private hire (minicab) driver licences issued by Leeds City Council

Airborne geophysical data from HiRES1 project

The HiRES-1 project acquired airborne geophysical data during 1998. Coverage included the Central Midlands of England and into the associated Welsh Borderland. Survey flying for the collaborative...

Real-time and Near-real-time river level data

This dataset covers monitoring data that is only updated on our systems on a daily update cycle. This is usually increased during times of flooding etc. Readings are transferred via telemetry to...