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        EXP Match Day

        Match day parking zones football matches which prioritise parking for local residents and busineses played at home.

        Statistics on football-related arrests and football banning orders

        Annual release of statistics for football-related arrests and football banning orders. Breakdowns provided are by offence, club supported, overseas arrests and arrests by location (inside/outside...

        Football pitches

        Data showing the usage of football pitches in Plymouth by organisation, as recorded in 2016.

        Sunderland Council Football Pitches

        List of all current council owned football pitches.

        Football and rugby pitches

        Football and rugby pitches in Calderdale including, location and address.

        Rochford Football Fields

        This dataset shows the location of Football Fields within the Rochford District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User...

        Statistics on football banning orders

        Number of arrests and banning orders issued during the football season. Shown by club and by offence.

        DCLG Data4NR: Football related offences

        Football related arrests and offences by type of offence for all football clubs in England (Premiership to Blue Square Premier) for the 2007/08 season. Data4NR reference.

        Spending Over £25,000 in the Football Licensing Authority

        Details of payments above £25,000 made by the Football Licensing Authority.

        Debt Management Matching Scans

        Customer level data that have been data matched giving details of any benefits debtors who are in receipt in order for Debt department to set up recovery. Location: GB wide data Time Period: 14...

        Catalyst: capacity building and match funding scheme awards

        Catalyst capacity building and match funding awards

        Summer Schools Evaluation 2012 Strand 3 Matched pupil data

        Returned matched survey data of 19,000 pupils who participated in the 2012 Summer School Pupil evaluation. As part of the DfE' s commissioned evaluation Survey responses are matched with the...

        Energy Follow Up Survey (EFUS) Matching files - 2 datasets

        Look up key between various EFUS datasts

        Moth abundance and pollen transport from lit and unlit matched pairs of arable field margins in south-east England

        This dataset contains information about moth abundance and pollen transport at sites lit by high-pressure sodium streetlights and unlit control sites. Moths were sampled at 20 matched pairs of lit...

        Matched survey sampling and survey response files for GHS, SEH, FRS, LFS.

        Developing small area estimates

        Spending Over £25,000 in the Sports Grounds Safety Authority

        Spending over £25,000 at the Sports Grounds Safety Authority (formerly known as the Football Licensing Authority).

        Tree trait, insect herbivore abundance and powdery mildew infection data (2016-17) from Forest Research Climate Matching Trials, UK

        This data set comprises two years of data (2016 and 2017) from one trial (Hucking, Kent, UK) and one year (2017) from a second trial (Hartshorne, Derbyshire, UK). Data was collected on tree traits...


        Dataset contains areas identified as having facilities for sport such as football pitches, tennis courts, playing fields, etc. It does not denote authority ownership.

        Residential Parking Zones

        SBC residential parking zones and EXP Match day zones. These zones have set times of parking especially for match day zones who have set days around the year.

        London Borough of Barnet Playing Pitch Strategy Update - 2021/22

        The purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) is to provide a robust future action plan for sports facilities in Barnet. The outcomes arising from the assessment will inform the LBB...