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        2,426 results found

        Utility and government services - UK fishing intensity associated with oil and gas pipelines (2007-2015)

        The layers provide information on the intensity of mobile fishing associated with Oil and Gas pipelines and cables. Each layer was created by calculating the total number of fishing tracks in 1 km...

        Hydrocarbon Oils

        Administrative datasets to collect Hydrocarbon Oils Taxes

        Hydrocarbon Oils

        Administrative datasets to collect Hydrocarbon Oils Taxes

        North Sea Oil Model

        SAS based field microsimulation model used principally for forecasting North Sea oil and gas revenues. Includes survey data of oil and gas companies' production and expenditure, as well as...

        Schools Gas Oil - Cost (£)

        Schools Gas Oil - Cost (£)

        Fish passes

        Spatial layer flood risk structures. Attribute of fish pass.

        Shetland Oil Spill Sensitivity Maps

        The Shetland oil spill response maps were originally produced under the auspices of SOTEAG over 10 years ago for inclusion in the Sullom Voe Harbour Oil Spill Plan (SVHOSP) and the Shetland Marine...

        Shetland Oil Spill Sensitivity Maps

        The Shetland oil spill response maps were originally produced under the auspices of SOTEAG over 10 years ago for inclusion in the Sullom Voe Harbour Oil Spill Plan (SVHOSP) and the Shetland Marine...

        Freshwater Fish Failures

        Environment & Business - Land and Water. Freshwater Fish Failures dataset contains a list of failing designated river stretches under EC Freshwater Fish Directive (2006/44/EC). This directive...

        Fish stocks around the UK fished within safe biological limits

        Fish stocks around the UK fished within safe biological limits: 1990 to 2010. If you require the datasets in a more accessible format, please contact

        Schools Gas Oil - Activity (l)

        Schools Gas Oil - Activity (l)

        Fleet Transport - Gas Oil - Cost (£)

        Fleet Transport - Gas Oil - Cost (£)

        Tagged Fish Database

        Historical fish tagging release and recapture data. Consists of both paper and electronic records, as well as biological material collections (otoliths) from the 1940s onwards. Currently there...

        Performance Dashboard Licences to fish and sell fish

        This dashboard shows information about how the Licences to fish and sell fish service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The dashboard shows number of digital transactions, total...

        Fish Smoking Area

        Fish Smoking Area in Arbroath for the production of the Arbroath Smokie

        DAERA Estuarine Fish Survey

        The DAERA estuarine fish survey is an annual assessment of fish communities in seven river estuaries in Northern Ireland. Data is collected primarily for the purposes of reporting to Water...

        DAERA Estuarine Fish Survey

        The DAERA estuarine fish survey is an annual assessment of fish communities in seven river estuaries in Northern Ireland. Data is collected primarily for the purposes of reporting to Water...

        Freshwater fish surveys (NFPD)

        The Environment Agency undertakes fisheries monitoring work on rivers, lakes and transitional and coastal waters (TraC). This dataset contains site and survey information, the numbers and species...

        Fish Recovery Zones

        Digitised fish recovery zones around Great Britain, including: 1. Cod Recovery Zone (CRZ) 2. Sole Recovery Zone (SRZ) 3. Biologically Sensitive area 4. Celtic Sea closure area

        Schools Gas Oil - CO2 (kg)

        Schools Gas Oil - CO2 (kg)