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Fertility Summary

Comparison of fertility in the four UK constituent countries. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Fertility Nugget

Fertility and Migration

This report has been renamed to "Childbearing of UK born and non-UK born women living in the UK". The publication date has not changed, and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. Source...

Cohort Fertility, England and Wales

Presents data on fertility by year of birth of mother rather than the year of birth of child. This package includes average number of live-born children and the proportion of women remaining...

Fertility in London, 2001 and 2011

This Intelligence Unit Update (02-2014) uses ONS population estimates and birth data to examine changes in fertility in London between 2001 and 2011. [Update...

Age-specific fertility rates for London boroughs and borough groupings 2005-07

Raw and smoothed age-specific fertility rates (ASFR) for 2005-07; ie births to mothers aged x per resident population of women aged x, where x ranges from age 15 to 49.

Library issues

Weekly issues by library from January 2018.

Fertility treatment in 2010 - trends and figures by Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority

The HFEA collects data about over 50,000 fertility treatments performed each year in the UK. We are committed to making as much of this information available as possible to aid and inform patients,...

Blue Badges issued

Number of Blue Badges issues in Leicester City annually.The data will be updated quarterly.

Seedlings growth in a fertilized forest in Central Amazonia (2019 – 2020)

Data are presented showing seedling height, diameter at ground height (DGH), total number of leaves, number of leaves with herbivory damage and leaf mortality, from a plot based fertilisation...

Library Issues by Collection

This Calderdale libraries dataset gives total issue numbers per collection. The data is broken down into financial year and is a total for all libraries.

GRAFFITI - Number of issues reported

GRAFFITI - Number of issues reported

Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking

Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking

Penalty Charge Notices issued per Bus Gate/Bus Lane issued monthly

This data highlights total number of Penalty Charge Notices issued per Bus Gate/Bus Lane each month.Please note - there is no income value given to each individual Bus Gate/Bus Lane because all...

Health, Safety and wellbeing actions issued

Health safety and wellbeing actions issued through a system called Safeguard . These actions are created and issued based on health and safety incidents, to highlight changes to internal...

CIO-DSAS Accreditation Certificates Issued List

List of accreditation certificates issued with details and date issued. Used to produce certificate number which is based on running number (Acc Team 7, serial , of CIO-DSAS Information Asset...

Litter fines issued by 3GS

A dataset which shows the Fixed Penalty Notices for littering issued by 3GS who are contracted by Leeds City Council. FPN's for littering issued by Council officers can be found...

GRAFFITI - Number of offensive issues reported

GRAFFITI - Number of offensive issues reported

STREET CLEANING - Number of issues reported

STREET CLEANING - Number of issues reported

Street Lighting - Number of issues reported

Street Lighting - Number of issues reported

LITTER BINS - Number of issues reported

LITTER BINS - Number of issues reported