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        669 results found

        Example Elastic Calculations for ElasT Toolkit (NERC Grant NE/M000125/1)

        Elastic constants were calculated by using the stress-strain method and density functional theory for crystals of different symmetry. A toolkit was developed to facilitate the input preparation and...

        Biological-based habitat classification approaches promote cost-efficient monitoring: an example using seabed assemblages

        Files for use with the R script accompanying the paper Cooper et al. (2019). Note that this script also uses files from ``_ (details provided in script)....

        Biological-based habitat classification approaches promote cost-efficient monitoring: an example using seabed assemblages

        Files for use with the R script accompanying the paper Cooper et al. (2019). Note that this script also uses files from ``_ (details provided in script)....

        ICT equipment

        A list of council ICT equipment, for example laptops and computers.

        Technology Programme Records

        Research Records related to the technology programme at CCFE, researching new advanced technologies and materials for example.


        Polygon feature representing a manmade construction that is not a building. Examples include a mast, a chimney, and a crane.

        Genetically modified organisms (GMO) Policy & Regulation

        Team’s data assets, example genetically modified organisms (GMO) release applications containing names of researchers which are removed from the public version.


        Polygon feature which represents the recognisable extent of certain types of function or activity. Examples include a caravan site, a university, and a railway centre.


        A ward contains features that are subdivisions of higher features for the purpose of voting (for example, a district ward is a subdivision of a district).

        Court listings

        Available at, some for free but not as data, for example Crown Court Daily lists

        Library loans (books only)

        This dataset concerns loans of books made across libraries in Leeds since the 2000/01 financial year. Please note ----------- * The figures do not include loans of any of media items (for...

        Supplemental data for 'Pore network model predictions of Darcy-scale multiphase flow heterogeneity validated by experiments'

        Grant: ACT ELEGANCY, Project No 271498. This repository includes CMG simulation input and output files, processed micro-CT data, figure 3 data and plot, pore network modeling sensitivity examples

        Built Address

        The Built Address Feature Type represents local authority addresses that are currently built and live and can typically receive mail, deliveries, or services. For example, homes, shops, schools and...

        Compound Structure

        Polygon feature which encompasses one or more components and represents a manmade construction that has been built for a specific purpose. Examples include a bridge, a dam, and an aqueduct.

        Supplemental data for 'Pore network model predictions of Darcy-scale multiphase flow heterogeneity validated by experiments'

        Grant: ACT ELEGANCY, Project No 271498. This repository includes CMG simulation input and output files, processed micro-CT data, and pore network modelling sensitivity examples. CMG simulation,...


        A road feature is a link set which represents a collection of road link features that share the same name (for example, Bilston Road) or classification number (for example, A41), used primarily by...

        Regional ethnic diversity in England and Wales

        The data measures the ethnic diversity of England and Wales by region and type of area, for example urban and rural. Data comes from the 2011 Census and is published on 'Ethnicity facts and figures'.

        Cattle in Scotland on the 20 April 2009 with their passport version number

        This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains cattle alive on a Scottish holding on 20 April 2009, Passports returned to British Cattle management Service and under amendment, note...

        Public Toilets

        A list of public conveniences by location. An example of using open data is shown by the use of this data alongside data from other local authorities to create the [Great British toilet...

        Council Current Spending

        Details of Council spending from April 2016 onward. Please click 'Download' to view this data in a spreadsheet.  This will enable you to filter the information more easily, for example by...