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        96 results found

        Structure and evolution of the Sorbas basin - dataset (NERC Grant NE/F019475/1)

        The dataset comprises: Petrophysical data for rocks from the region, XRD mineralogical data, Results of the gravity survey of the basin, tabulation and location of all bedding orientation data for...

        Fe isotope data constraining the evolution of the Galápagos mantle plume (NERC Grant NE/V000411/1)

        The data consists of Fe-isotope ratio measurements, expressed in permil notation (δ57Fe) relative to the international standard IRMM-014 following standard practise. The measurements are of bulk...

        British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 1999/3: Coastal and Estuary Evolution (25/10/1999 to 29/10/1999)

        This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical survey took place in October 1999 in the Mersey Estuary aboard the Environment Agency vessel Goastal Guardian. The purpose was to gather data...

        Supporting data from publication: Data from: Hill et al. 2019 Evolution of jaw disparity in fishes (NERC grant NE/P013090/1)

        Supporting data from paper: Hill et al. 2019 Evolution of jaw disparity in fishes. Palaeontology 61: 847-854. The data consists of two files: (1) an Excel spreadsheet listing the taxa used in the...

        IODP Exp 346: Onset and Evolution of Millennial-scale variability of the Asian monsoon (NERC Grant NE/L002655/1)

        This award was made as a sailing participant of IODP Expedition 346, an international ocean drilling programme that NERC subscribe to. As such there was a lot of data generated that is owned and...

        Volcanic flank collapse: diversity of behaviour, hazard generation and controls on volcano evolution (NERC Grant NE/I02044X/2)

        The data is provided as a single spreadsheet containing geochemical information from three volcanoes (Antuco, Chile; Jocotitlan, Mexico; Montserrat), all of which have been affected by major debris...

        British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 2009/1: Coastal and Estuarine Evolution - Sheppey: Thames/Medway (09/Mar/2009 to 13/Mar/2009)

        This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical survey took place in March 2009 in the Medway & Swale Estuaries on board the Medway Surveyor. The purpose was to obtain the data...

        Evolution of Carbon Cycle Dynamics (eCCD) (NERC grant NE/H022554/1)

        The global carbon cycle - how much carbon is stored in its interconnected reservoirs (ocean, atmosphere, plants and soils on land, sediments in the deep sea) as well as the fluxes between them, is...

        Chemical and physical data of water and its evolution over incubation experiments for three headwater streams in the Conwy catchment, North Wales (2014)

        These data are chemical and physical data of stream water and their evolution over incubation experiments conducted on water samples taken from three headwater streams from the Conwy catchment in...

        Gambling premises licences

        This dataset contains information about licences which are issued to premises such as bingo halls, betting shops and casinos. The best way to work with this dataset is to save it to your...

        Apatite as a quantitative tool for tephrochronology and magmatic evolution (NERC grant NE/K003852/1)

        Documentation of experiments run to investigate partitioning of H-C-F-Cl (Hydrogen, Carbon, fluorine, Chlorine) in the system apatite-melt. Data include representative images of each experiment,...

        In-situ rock deformation and micron-scale crack network evolution: a high-resolution time-resolved x-ray micro-tomography dataset (NERC Grant NE/R001693/1)

        This collection comprises two time-series of 3D in-situ synchrotron x-ray microtomography (μCT) volumes showing two Ailsa Craig micro-granite samples (ACfresh02 and ACHT01) undergoing triaxial...

        The evolution of modern marine ecosystems: environmental controls on their structure and function (NERC grant NE/I005641/1)

        The data is in the form of excel spreadsheets and a word document of supplementary material. Publications: Foster, W.J., Danise, S., Sedlacek, A., Price, G.D., Hips, K. and Twitchett, R.J. 2015....

        2003 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA4 Technical report - Geological evolution pilot whale diapirs and stability of the seabed habitat (north UKCS)

        This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA4) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). The report describes...

        Licensed gambling premises

        This dataset contains a list of the premises in Great Britain which can provide facilities for gambling. This includes betting shops, casinos, bingo premises and arcades. The Gambling...

        The oxygen fugacity of core segregation and the redox evolution of the mantle: constraints from iron and chromium isotopes (NERC grant NE/F014295/2)

        This project is aimed at understanding what kind of conditions the Earth's core formed under and how this affected the amount of oxygen present in the rocky interior of the Earth. It uses...

        The Depositional and Landscape Histories of Dungeness Foreland and the Port of Rye

        The The Depositional and Landscape Histories of Dungeness Foreland and the Port of Rye (ALSF 4521) project explored the long term resilience of the Romney Marsh / Dungeness Foreland depositional...

        The Depositional and Landscape Histories of Dungeness Foreland and the Port of Rye

        The The Depositional and Landscape Histories of Dungeness Foreland and the Port of Rye (ALSF 4521) project explored the long term resilience of the Romney Marsh / Dungeness Foreland depositional...

        Virtual Site Survey of Pernambuco Plateau, Brazil in support of IODP 864: Origin, Evolution and Palaeoenvironment of the Equatorial Atlantic Gateway (NERC grant NE/M021238/1)

        The dataset consists of: (1) Listing of full site survey package of geophysical data held in the IODP Data Bank in support of proposal 864. Details of how to obtain existing freely available or...

        The mid-Palaeozoic biotic crisis: setting the trajectory of tetrapod evolution. Coquetdale, Coldstream and Whitrope Burn, Northern England and the Scottish Borders. (NERC grant NE/J020729/1)

        The data set consists of rock samples collected from Coquetdale, Coldstream and Whitrope Burn from 2013-2014; milled material is included. There is an Excel spreadsheet of sample numbers with...