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236 results found

Spray Drift

Comparative drift data collected in field conditions in the UK for range of nozzle types, operating conditions and wind speed

1994 Purbeck Marine Research Unit Canford School, Swanage Dorset, Ross Coral Mapping Drift dive transect surveys

All these records relate to "Powell (ed) (1994) - Ross Coral Mapping Project (Preliminary Report) 1994" A copy of the report is held at English Nature (Dorset Team). This survey aimed to map...

1994 Purbeck Marine Research Unit Canford School, Swanage Dorset, Ross Coral Mapping Drift dive transect surveys

All these records relate to "Powell (ed) (1994) - Ross Coral Mapping Project (Preliminary Report) 1994" A copy of the report is held at English Nature (Dorset Team). This survey aimed to map...

Model output presented in the manuscript "Ocean circulation drifts in multi-millennial climate simulations: the role of salinity corrections and climate feedbacks" by Dentith et al. (2018) (NERC grant NE/L002574/1)

Output from the FAMOUS General Circulation Model presented in the study by Dentith et al. (2018) "Ocean circulation drifts in multi-millennial climate simulations: the role of salinity corrections...

Buoy Reports

Marine Observations from Drifting Buoy reports

Soil Series Definition

All rationalised soil series with data on parent material type, lithology, mineralogy and particle size groupings for top, contrasting layers and drift type used in the definition of that series

Coastal Physiographic Features - Barrier Beach

This shapefile is of the coastal physiographic feature 'Barrier Beach'. The polygons in this shapefile represent the areas in which Barrier Beaches are located in the UK. Where, Barrier Beach is...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Sampling Survey 1971/8: UK waters ( 1971)

This Sampling (wireline drilling) survey undertaken by British Geological Survey took place around the UK during 1971 on board the MV Whitethorn. The purpose was to collect data for the production...

Microgravity data from Uturuncu Volcano, central Andes (November 2022) (NERC Grant NE/S008845/1)

Microgravity data collected at Uturuncu Volcano located in the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex, central Andes, in November 2022. Raw data collected along a survey line spanning from Laguna Colorada...

2011 - 2011 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Survey : CEND 14/11 (part of North Sea Groundfish Survey, Qtr 3 (FSS: IBTS3E; NSGFS))

This survey was undertaken by Cefas as part of the North Sea Groundfish Survey, Qtr 3 (FSS: IBTS3E; NSGFS); 75 core trawl stations are completed annually, to provide distribution and stock...

Uranium and Thorium activity data in sediment cores in the North Atlantic Ocean (NERC Grant NE/M004619/1)

Activity (dpm/g) of Uranium and thorium isotopes from 3 sediment cores in the North Atlantic: ODP980, ODP983, EW9302-2JPC. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 980 was drilled in July 1995 in the...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Sampling Survey 1971/9: Moray Firth; Firth of Forth and The Minch (07/Mar/1971 to 25/Jun/1971)

This Sampling survey undertaken by British Geological Survey took place around the UK during 1971 on board the MV Whitethorn. The purpose was to collect data for the production of reconnaissance...

Goose barnacle growth rates measured from specimens collected in Celtic Sea in April 2018

This data resulted from an opportunistic interception of biofouled marine litter floating off the coast of Cornwall. A colony of goose barnacles ( *Lepas anatifera*) and a neustonic isopod *Idotea...

Coastal Cells

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

Coastal Cell Limits

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

NI First Order Coastal Cell Delineation

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

Coastal Cells

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

NI First Order Coastal Cell Delineation

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

Coastal Cell Limits

DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

BGS 1:25 000 Classical Areas of British Geology Series geological maps

A series of maps at the detailed scale of 1:25 000 have been produced for areas of outstanding geological interest in Great Britain. Some maps are accompanied by explanatory booklets. The maps were...