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        NYMNPA Core Policy C - Natural Environment

        The Core Strategy and Development Policies Proposals Maps identify the Special Protection Area designated under the EC Habitats Directive, Special Area of Conservation designated under the EC Birds...

        2016 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Mousa Maerl bed benthic core survey

        Between 21st July and 6th August 2016 monitoring was undertaken by SNH and Heriot-Watt University in an area in the north-west of Mousa, within the Mousa SAC (also part of the Mousa to Boddam MPA),...

        2016 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Mousa Maerl bed benthic core survey

        Between 21st July and 6th August 2016 monitoring was undertaken by SNH and Heriot-Watt University in an area in the north-west of Mousa, within the Mousa SAC (also part of the Mousa to Boddam MPA),...

        2015 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Loch Fyne (Otter Spit) Limaria bed diver core survey

        Diver core sampling was undertaken at Flame shell (Limaria hains) beds in the vicinity of Otter Spit in Loch Fyne by SNH from 10th - 12th August 2015. Sampling was undertaken at the Loch Fyne and...

        2015 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Loch Fyne (Otter Spit) Limaria bed diver core survey

        Diver core sampling was undertaken at Flame shell (Limaria hains) beds in the vicinity of Otter Spit in Loch Fyne by SNH from 10th - 12th August 2015. Sampling was undertaken at the Loch Fyne and...

        Core Paths - Scotland

        Every local authority and National Park authority (access authorities) in Scotland is required to draw up a plan for a system of paths (core paths) sufficient for the purpose of giving the public...

        Renfrewshire Core Paths 2022

        The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 requires that each local authority prepare a Core Paths Plan. Core Paths are recreation and travel routes which allow the public "reasonable access" throughout...

        2015 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Wyre Sound and Tingwall Maerl bed diver core survey

        Diver core survey undertaken at a Maerl beds in Wyre Sound and off Tingwall, Orkney by Heriot-Watt University for SNH on the 10th, 12th and 14th June 2015. Sampling was for the purpose of a...

        2015 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Wyre Sound and Tingwall Maerl bed diver core survey

        Diver core survey undertaken at a Maerl beds in Wyre Sound and off Tingwall, Orkney by Heriot-Watt University for SNH on the 10th, 12th and 14th June 2015. Sampling was for the purpose of a...

        Core Paths - Shetland Islands

        Core Paths Plans were introduced by Part 1 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. The purpose of the Plan is to designate a system of paths to provide the basic framework of routes (which are)...

        Phosphate-oxygen stable isotope data from sediment core (LG3A), from Rutland Water Nature Reserve, UK

        The data set includes stable oxygen isotope data measured on the non-labile (HCl-extractable) phosphorus fraction (δ18O-PO4), extracted from each 1 cm layer of sediment core. This sediment core...

        AddressBase Core

        In this ever-changing environment you need to have confidence that you're using the latest and most up-to-date addressing data. AddressBase Core is released weekly, keeping you more up to date with...

        Paths And Core Paths - Aberdeenshire

        Every local authority and National Park authority (access authorities) in Scotland is required to draw up a plan for a system of paths (core paths) sufficient for the purpose of giving the public...

        Nirex Rock Cores And Core Samples From Deep Boreholes.

        During the period from 1989 to 1997, Nirex undertook extensive geological investigations at sites near Sellafield, in Cumbria, and Dounreay, in Caithness, to examine whether or not they were...

        Clackmannanshire - Core Paths

        Core paths are paths, waterways or any other means of crossing land to facilitate, promote and manage the exercise of access rights under the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, and are identified as...

        Adopted Core Paths - Argyll and Bute

        Argyll & Bute Council has adopted a Core Paths Plan for the Council area, to meet the requirements of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003: It should be noted that there is a separate Core...

        CGG Core Analysis Database

        The CGG Core Analysis Database provides core analysis data (e.g. porosity, permeability, lithology) for cores from over 2000 wells in the UKCS. (Download size, 43GB).

        Core Areas of Wild Land Character

        The data contains boundaries of core wild land areas in Scotland as determined by their level of naturalness, remoteness, ruggedness and absence of modern artefacts. Boundaries should be...

        Marine Samples and Cores

        This is the collection of cores and samples held by BGS for the sea areas around the UK. It includes material collected by BGS during its mapping projects and material donated to BGS by other...

        Aberdeen Core Paths

        The term “core path” was introduced in the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 where the Act set out that all Local Authorities and National Parks have a duty to draw up a core paths plan that will...