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        Regional Short Term Indicators Pilot (experimental)

        Results of a pilot exercise to compile quarterly output indices for the nine English regions. This release aims to provide a further proof of concept and allow regional users a view of the effects...

        COG3: The geology, geometallurgy and geomicrobiology of cobalt resources leading to new product streams (NERC grant NE/M011518/1)

        Sample list and experimental conditions. Ilumina Mi Sequencing OTU results for samples from Acoje Nickel Laterite, Philippines and Shevchenko, Ukraine. Illumina Mi Sequencing Results from Acoje,...

        Glider data from the CAMPUS project in the Western English Channel, Plymouth, UK.

        Glider data - temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, CDOM, BBP and dissolved oxygen from the English Channel, collected as part of the CAMPUS (Combining Autonomous observations and Models for...

        Blue badge applications

        This data set shows the monthly totals of all Blue badge applications processed by Leeds City Council. Further Information ------------------- * BB - Bule badge application forms * BP -...

        Innovation Portfolio CIS 2016 2017

        The Innovation Portfolio CIS 2016 2017 is a list of the business-led IT-enabled innovation initiatives for April 2016 to March 2017. Innovation opportunities pass through a formally defined and...

        Towards more flexible power generation with CCS (C2-214) – Dynamic and steady-state data from UKCCSRC PACT amine pilot, Aug 2016.

        UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-214 . The dataset consists of six excel spreadsheets containing data from six dynamic operating scenarios for post-combustion CO2 capture on coal, implemented at the...

        UKCCSRC Call 1 project report: Chemical looping for low cost oxygen production and other applications. Part II (restricted)

        Imperial College has modelled and designed from first principles a counter-flow thermal oxygen reactor using CuO (MnO) based particles as an oxygen carrier, for replacing the burner in conventional...

        shinylight, a light-weight R package to create rich web applications (NERC Grant NE/T001518/1)

        The code base for IsoplotR’s graphical user interface (GUI) and its core data processing algorithms are surgically separated from each other. The command-line functionality is grouped in a...

        Weekly volume of water pumped for handpumps monitored with Smart Handpump technology, Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grants NE/L001950/1, NE/M008894/1)

        This dataset contains a summary of the weekly volumetric output of pumps monitored using Smart Handpump sensors for 2014 and 2015. Grants that permitted the data collection include: Groundwater...

        The cost of poor housing to the NHS

        In 2010 the Building Research Establishment (BRE) Trust published the results of a research project which sought to quantify the cost of people living in poor housing in England to the National...

        Cambridge local services

        A mini directory of local services (68 in total in and around Cambridge) to be used to develop our geo-location project. This project was replaced in Autumn 2019 by the purchase of a new website...

        Images from The Mary Rose (Unpath'd Waters), 2007-2011

        This collection comprises photographs taken between 2007 and 2011 from the artefacts dataset of material recovered from the Mary Rose wreck site. The Mary Rose was the flagship of King Henry...

        Daily handpump accelerometer data and borehole water level data, Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grant NE/M008894/1)

        (I) Handpump Vibration Data For each handpump, data is organized in one CSV file per day. These files are grouped together over batches, where each batch approximately corresponds to three months....

        Labelled data for fine tuning a geological Named Entity Recognition and Entity Relation Extraction model

        This dataset consists of sentences extracted from BGS memoirs, DECC/OGA onshore hydrocarbons well reports and Mineral Reconnaissance Programme (MRP) reports. The sentences have been annotated to...

        Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Geophysical, Multibeam, Photo and Video Survey 2007/6_MESH: 2007 MESH SW Approaches Canyons Survey (04/Jun/2007 to 18/Jun/2007)

        The survey was led by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, in collaboration with the Marine Institute, the British Geological Survey and the University of Plymouth. Defra Natural Environment...

        Habitat point records from 1986-87 OPRU/MNCR Shetland, Foula and Fair Isle survey

        The Shetland Islands are Britain's most northerly extremity and have a long, complex coastline with numerous islands, sheltered inlets and tide-swept channels. They lie at the confluence of the...

        Species point records from 1986-87 OPRU/MNCR Shetland, Foula and Fair Isle survey

        The Shetland Islands are Britain's most northerly extremity and have a long, complex coastline with numerous islands, sheltered inlets and tide-swept channels. They lie at the confluence of the...

        Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN)

        This dataset shows where fixed penalty notices have been issued by Leeds City Council. It shows the amount of fine issued, how much was paid or whether it was cancelled. Fixed Penalty Notices...