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Compliance perceptions survey (CPS) data

Anonymised survey data. Responses to questions about attitudes to tax compliance. Updated: annually. Data coverage: 2009/10, 2008/09

CPS - Conditional Cautions Non Compliance and Compliance rates

This data shows the compliance and non compliance rates for conditional cautions over a rolling 12 month period.

Survey Compliance Costs to Businesses and Local Authorities

HMRC Survey Compliance Costs To Businesses and Local Authorities - This publication contains statistics of HMRC survey compliance costs Source agency: HM Revenue and Customs Designation: National...

Tax Compliance Checks

Verification that suppliers are tax compliant. Updated: annually.

Enforcement and Compliance examinations

Various Compliance Examination data. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09

Statutory Compliance data

Facilities Management information on a number of issues including statutory compliance, fire, health and safety and environment. Compliance checks to ensure that building owners, landlords and...

Tax Compliance Checks

Verification that suppliers are tax compliant. Updated: annually.

Statutory Compliance data

Documentation used to record and track compliance to HMRC's statutory requirements on the STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) estate. Updated: monthly.

Enforcement and Compliance examinations

Various Compliance Examination data. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09

Animal Welfare Compliance

Number and percentage of animals processed at the slaughterhouse in compliance with animal welfare legislation, as a proportion of throughput.

Cash collected from compliance

Total amount of tax that HMRC collects from activity to tackle those individuals and businesses that have not paid the tax that is due, such as cash collected as a result of tax enquiries...

Employer Compliance System (ECS)

Employers' compliance data (including PAYE schemes at employer level). Updated: annually. Data coverage: 2007/08 to 2011/12

Compliance Quality Initiative (CQI)

CQI is a workbench used to record details of enquiries made into Income Tax Self Assessment and Corporation Tax Self Assessment returns. It does not include enquiries by the HMRC's Large Business...

Smokefree Legislation Compliance

Summarises the findings of the smokefree legislation compliance. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Animal Welfare and Hygiene Compliance Sections

List of Animal Welfare and Hygiene sections that FSA staff record non-compliances against on the integrated Animal Welfare and Enforcement system

Animal Welfare Compliance – On Farm and Transport

Number and percentage of animals arriving at the slaughterhouse in compliance with applicable animal welfare legislation, as a proportion of throughput.

Animal Welfare Enforcement Non-compliance

Enforcement action taken against serious or critical animal welfare non-compliances in England and Wales, covering instances occurring in slaughterhouses, but also those cases identified as...

Claimant Compliance Management Information System (CCMIS)

Tracking and management information statistics for Claimant Compliance work within Benefits and Credits. This includes Tax Credit Compliance, Child Benefit Compliance and Organised Fraud / hijacked...

Animal Welfare Non-Compliances in Approved Slaughterhouses

Animal Welfare non-compliance data collected and categorised by the Food Standards Agency in approved slaughterhouses. Level 3: Potential risk of compromising animal welfare but where there is no...

National Compliance Assessment

This record contains datasets for 2014 to 2022 from the resource links. It contains information from the National Compliance Assessment Database (NCAD). It is a high level summary of types of...