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6 results found

Rheometry data on ash from Mount Meager, British Columbia, Canada (NERC Grant NE/W003767/1)

Rheometry data on ash from Mt Meager, British Columbia, Canada. All measurements that generated these data were performed using an Anton Paar MCR302 rotational rheometer with an Anton Paar powder...

Microseismic source parameters from induced seismicity in the Horn River Basin (British Columbia) (NERC Grant NE/R017956/1)

This data set contains seismic source parameters (magnitudes, corner frequencies, stress drops and their associated uncertainty) for 94 microseismic events linked to fault reactivation during...

Sitka spruce Population Study. A study in the natural variation of economic traits within an unselected population of Sitka spruce

The operational Sitka spruce selection and breeding programme commenced in 1963 with the selection in British forests of superior individuals for height, diameter, stem straightness and branching...

2011, Statoil, ST11451, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2484

An oil and gas industry site survey for a platform/pipeline route acquired under licence P335 between May and June 2011. The block number traversed was 9/11. This was a shallow drilling survey...

Expert-based stakeholder mapping and engagement strategies for six invasive non-native species case studies in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, 2021

Data package containing information and the results of our expert-based stakeholder mapping exercise for six invasive non-native species case studies in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, 2021. These...

Inventory of impacts of seven invasive alien species in Chile, Brazil, and Argentina. Results of an expert elicitation exercise

This dataset contain inventories of the impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) in Brazil, Chile, and Argentina. These include seven case studies: pines (Pinus contorta) in the Araucanía and Aysén...