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Carrying Agent Approvals 2015

This dataset covers authorisations issued by APHA to carrying agents enabling them to transport rabies susceptible animals imported under licence to quarantine premises in England. The dataset...

Carrying Agent Approvals 2014

This dataset covers authorisations issued by APHA to carrying agents enabling them to transport rabies susceptible animals imported under licence to quarantine premises in England. The dataset...

Passenger Carrying Service Providers

Database of passenger carrying service providers travelling abroad and record of permits issued

Responses to consultations carried out externally

Reponses to public consultations which are carried out by external bodies on behalf of the Department for Transport

E-Auctions carried out by GPS

A list of the e-Auctions by value that have been carried out by GPS within each category

Environmental behaviours carried out by small and medium enterprises in 2009

Environmental behaviours carried out by small and medium enterprises in 2009

Map of runoff risk (partial cover)

The map shows the risk of water flowing overland (runoff) carrying potential pollutants into water courses. This map primarily covers the cultivated land in Scotland. The digital dataset gives...

Land Cover Parcel

Land Cover Parcel (LCP). These are the sub-landscape units arising from the subdivision of Landscape Description Units based on variations in modern land use and the historic patterns of field...

Urban Tree Cover 2018

This study updates the data on Urban Tree Canopy Cover in Wales, highlighting changes in the extent, location and provision of urban tree cover since 2013. This spatial dataset relates to...

Tree Canopy Cover Prioritisation Tool

This is a new tool to help decision-makers choose which locations within London might be prioritised for tree planting. This tool presents the Curio Canopy – London Tree Canopy Cover map at ward...

UK Ward Canopy Cover

This dataset is the output from the UK canopy cover webmap project, which aimed to assess the percentage tree canopy cover in every ward in the UK. Forest Research delivered the project with...

Land Cover Scotland (LCS) 1988

Land Cover Scotland (LCS) 1988 was the first ever national (air-photo) census of land cover in Scotland to describe the principal features and characteristics of the countryside. It was produced by...

UK Ramsar habitat cover

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all habitat cover data for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...

London Green and Blue Cover

The GLA have produced a dataset that provides a more accurate estimate of the extent of the London’s green infrastructure - the city’s parks, gardens, trees, green spaces, rivers and wetlands, and...

Urban Tree Cover 2013

This spatial dataset relates to Phase 3 (2013) and consists of 3 individual layers, being Points (individual trees), polygons (groups of trees) and urban extents (the extent of the study...

Urban Tree Cover 2009

This spatial dataset relates to Phase 2 (2009) and consists of 4 individual layers, being Points (individual trees), polygons (groups of trees), urban extents (the extent of the study areas)...

Urban Tree Cover 2006

This spatial dataset relates to Phase 1 (2006) and consists of 4 individual layers, being Points (individual trees), polygons (groups of trees), urban extents (the extent of the study areas)...

Total Cloud Cover Map Layer

A map overlay showing a forecast of total cloud cover for the UK. Single tile map layer images are provided three hourly from T+0 to T+36.

Land Cover Map 2007 (vector, GB)

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. LCM2007 is a parcel-based thematic classification of satellite image data covering the entire United Kingdom. The map updates and upgrades the Land Cover Map of...

Land Cover Map 1990 (vector, GB)

This dataset consists of the vector version of the Land Cover Map 1990 (LCM1990) for Great Britain. The vector data set is the core LCM data set from which the full range of other LCM1990 products...