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981 results found

Technology Strategy Board Board Members Declared Interests

Board Memeber Register of Interests

Technology Strategy Board Organisation Chart

The organisation structure for the Technology Strategy Board

Technology Strategy Board Transparency Data

Required Transparency Data Salary Bands

TSB Board members declared interests

Register of Technology Strategy Board (TSB) Board Members declared interests

Technology Strategy Board Tax Arrangements for Public Sector Appointees

List of posts filled through contracts with individuals other than employment

Directors and Board Members' expenses - Food Standards Agency

Details of the business expenses of the FSA's Directors, its Chair and Board members. The Government is committed to setting new standards for transparency so that the public can more easily see...

Ofwat board and senior management expenses

The Civil Service Management Code sets out the general rules on the reimbursement of expenses. Ofwat has decided to make a voluntary disclosure of the expenditure incurred by the Chairman,...

HMRC Tax Transparency Sector Board

The primary purpose of the Tax Transparency Sector Board is to drive the Departmental transparency agenda and the release of HMRC information in line with the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs...

Covid-19 - Test and Trace Support applications (budget spent)

Identifying amount spent as a % against budget for main scheme and discretionary scheme.

Army Board Tracker

Holds data on all past Service Complaints, Petitions and AGAI 67 cases that have been staffed to the Army Board.

Souls on Board - Database.

HMS Duncan. Manpower planning tool, detailing the location or all ranks and rates.

UK Biodiversity Indicator A2, Taking action for nature: volunteer time spent in conservation

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator A2, Taking action for nature: volunteer time spent in conservation. The amount of time people spend volunteering to assist in...

Youth Justice Board FoI requests

Case management system for FoI requests received by the Youth Justice Board (YJB) categorised by date received, name of applicant, their contact details, company if applicable, nature of question,...

Departmental Board Register of Interests

Register of Departmental Board Members’ (Permanent Secretary, Director Generals and Non-Executive Board Members) interests.

Independent Monitoring Board Database

Database containing HR type information for 2000+ IMB current and former members

Internal drainage board register

A register of internal drainage boards in England Registers - Registers are lists of information. Each register is the most reliable list of its kind. If you wish to know more about registers,...

List of Internal Drainage Boards

Please note: This catalog/data-sets has now been superseded by the the record titled: Association of Drainage Authorities: Administrative Boundaries - Internal Drainage Districts in England. This...

Board members’ expenses

These datasets provide summary data for each financial year concerning spend relating to attendance at HEFCE Board meetings.

HM Revenue & Customs Board Members' Business Expenses

Information on business expenses incurred by HMRC's Board members. HMRC publishes information about business expenses incurred by HMRC Board Members, on a quarterly basis.

HM Revenue & Customs Board Members' Hospitality Received

This is a collection and collation page for an element of HMRC's Senior Officials Transparency publications published on GOV.UK. The data up to and including the period 1 January to 31 March...