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61 results found

2014 Matt Arnold et al. Firestone Bay Undaria pinnatifida records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Matt Arnold. The species listed is Undaria pinnatifida.

2014 Matt Arnold et al. Firestone Bay Undaria pinnatifida records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Matt Arnold. The species listed is Undaria pinnatifida.

LPD18 Policy LPD 49 - Arnold Town Centre Secondary

LPD18 Policy LPD 49 - Arnold Town Centre Primary

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 1969/2: Northern Irish Sea and Outer Solway Firth (19/04/1969 to 16/05/1969)

Report: Arnold, SE. 1971. Cruise Report for MV Moray Firth IV North Irish Sea Survey. MGU Project 69/02. (IGS Report No 17) Positioning: Main Chain Decca with Mark12 receiver Echo Sounding: Kelvin...

Beekeeper Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2013

This dataset provides figures for the number of bee keepers inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The dataset gives...

Beekeeper Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2010

This dataset provides figures for the number of bee keepers inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The dataset gives...

Beekeeper Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2015

This dataset provides figures for the number of bee keepers inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The dataset gives...

Beekeeper Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2015

This dataset provides figures for the number of bee keepers inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The dataset gives...

Beekeeper Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2014

This dataset provides figures for the number of bee keepers inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The dataset gives...

Beekeeper Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2009

This dataset provides figures for the number of bee keepers inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The dataset gives...

Beekeeper Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2011

This dataset provides figures for the number of bee keepers inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The dataset gives...

Beekeeper Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2012

This dataset provides figures for the number of bee keepers inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The dataset gives...

Beekeeper Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2007

This dataset provides figures for the number of bee keepers inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The dataset gives...

Beekeeper Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2006

This dataset provides figures for the number of bee keepers inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The dataset gives...

Beekeeper Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2008

This dataset provides figures for the number of bee keepers inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The dataset gives...

Beekeeper Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2014

This dataset provides figures for the number of bee keepers inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The dataset gives...

Apiary Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2007

This dataset provides figures for the number of apiaries inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). An 'apiary' is defined as...

Apiary Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2009

This dataset provides figures for the number of apiaries inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). An 'apiary' is defined as...

Apiary Inspections and Foulbrood Disease in England for 2013

This dataset provides figures for the number of apiaries inspected by Bee Inspectors from the National Bee Unit (NBU), part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). An 'apiary' is defined as...