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        96 results found

        Teenage Pregnancies

        This annual updates includes statistical information on teenage pregnancies based on age at conception. The release includes data by NHS Board of residence and Local Council Area for age groups. ...

        National Pregnancy in Diabetes Audit

        The audit is a measurement system to support improvement in the quality of care for women with diabetes who are pregnant or planning pregnancy and seeks to address three key questions: Were women...

        Northern Diabetes in Pregnancy Survey

        Northern Diabetes in Pregnancy Survey

        Smoking in pregnancy

        The percentage of women giving birth in 2007/08 who are current smokers at the time of delivery out of all maternities where smoking in pregnancy status is recorded. Source: Care Quality...

        National Pregnancy in Diabetes Audit Report 2018

        The National Pregnancy in Diabetes Audit (NPID) is a workstream of the National Diabetes Audit (NDA) and is managed by NHS Digital under an agreement with the Healthcare Quality Improvement...

        Northern Survey of Twins and Multiple Pregnancy

        Northern Survey of Twins and Multiple Pregnancy

        1988-2011 Stebbing et al. British records of American lobsters, Homarus americanus

        American lobsters (Homarus americanus) are native to the east coast of North American and Canada, but have been imported live into Europe for several decades resulting in their escape into the...

        1988-2011 Stebbing et al. British records of American lobsters, Homarus americanus

        American lobsters (Homarus americanus) are native to the east coast of North American and Canada, but have been imported live into Europe for several decades resulting in their escape into the...

        Teenage pregnancy: Under 18 conception rate and percentage leading to abortion

        Teenage conception rate for under 16 year olds and the % of conceptions that lead to abortion Source: Teenage Pregnancy Unit Publisher: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Geographies: Local...

        Teenage pregnancy

        Under 18 conceptions data from the Office for National Statistics

        Dissolved Organic and Dissolved Black Carbon Concentrations in South American Rivers (NERC grant NE/L002434/1)

        A dataset of DOC and DBC concentrations from 78 sampling locations in South American rivers (surface waters).

        Sulfur cycling in subduction zones: Central American arc dataset (NERC Grant NE/T010940/1)

        This dataset contains major, trace, and volatile element contents, and sulfur isotope ratio data measured in silicate glasses found in volcanic rocks from the Central American Volcanic Arc. The...

        Health in Pregnancy Grant (HiPG)

        Administrative data from the HiPG system, covering claimants, healthcare professionals and system information. Updated: monthly. Data coverage: 2009/10, 2010/11

        Health in Pregnancy Grant (HiPG)

        Administrative data from the HiPG system, covering claimants, healthcare professionals and system information. Updated: monthly. Data coverage: 2009/10, 2010/11

        Teenage pregnancy: Teenage conceptions - Under 18's: Local analysis

        Data on teenage conceptions at ward level has been analysed by quintiles and are presented as maps to illustrate the variation whilst avoiding the risk of disclosing information on individuals....

        Neonatal mortality and stillbirths (formerly indicator 1.6.ii) (NHSOF 1c)

        The number of babies stillborn or dying before 28 days old per 1,000 live births and stillbirths. Purpose Neonatal mortality and stillbirths rates aim to reflect NHS care during pre-pregnancy,...

        National Diabetes Audit (NDA) Integrated Specialist Services (ISS) Survey

        The National Diabetes Audit (NDA) Integrated Specialist Services (ISS) Survey was added to the NDA programme in 2020. It is an organisational survey that covers all specialist services across the...

        Antenatal assessments within 13 weeks (CCGOIS 1.13)

        The percentage of women who have seen a midwife or a maternity healthcare professional by 12 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy. Current version updated: Dec-15 Next version due: TBC

        NI 126 - Early access for women to maternity services

        The percentage of women who have seen a midwife or a maternity healthcare professional, for health and social care assessment of needs, risks and choices by 12 completed weeks of pregnancy.

        Statistics on Women's Smoking Status at Time of Delivery: England

        This report presents the latest results and trends from the women's smoking status at time of delivery (SATOD) data collection in England. The results provide a measure of the prevalence of...