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        278 results found

        Survey of opinions and behaviours regarding home composting, alongside experimental data for disintegration and degradation of compostable materials, UK, 2019-2023

        This dataset is from a UK citizen science study called the Big Compost Experiment, and includes 1) Qualitative and numerical survey data from UK citizens about their opinions and behaviours towards...

        Historical electricity data

        Historical electricity data series updated annually in July alongside the publication of the Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics (DUKES).

        Historical gas data: gas production and consumption and fuel input

        Historical gas data series updated annually in July alongside the publication of the Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics (DUKES).

        Historical coal data: coal production, availability and consumption

        Historical coal data series updated annually in July alongside the publication of the Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics (DUKES)


        Development will be permitted in and alongside the undeveloped coast when conditions as defined in 2003 Local Plan have been met.


        Development will be permitted in and alongside the developed coast when conditions as defined in 2003 Local Plan have been met.

        York Garden Waste Subscriptions

        This dataset contains detailed information on garden waste subscriptions in York at a ward level, alongside further information on eligibility and discounts.

        Historical coke and breeze data: coal carbonized and coke and breeze produced at coke ovens

        Historical coke and breeze data series updated annually in July alongside the publication of the Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics (DUKES).

        Historical crude oil and petroleum data: production, imports and exports

        Historical crude oil and petroleum data series updated annually in July alongside the publication of the Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics (DUKES).


        This dataset provides a Tree Preservation Area layer in polygons, taken from the authorities Planning System. This layer should be reviewed alongside the TPO point layer.

        Terrorism arrests - analysis of charging and sentencing outcomes by religion

        This briefing has been published alongside the 2012/2013 statistics on Operation of Police Powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 and subsequent legislation, to provide more detailed information.

        Flood Sirens

        Calderdale's Flood Siren Locations, which includes Siren (Location), National Grid Reference (NGR), Address, Postcode and Co-Ordinates. [Environment...

        Public Toilets

        A list of public conveniences by location. An example of using open data is shown by the use of this data alongside data from other local authorities to create the [Great British toilet...

        Weekly Deaths Statistics

        NISRA publish timely but provisional counts of deaths registered by the General Register Office for Northern Ireland (GRO). Weekly totals are presented alongside a 5-year weekly average number of...

        Trends and status of liver neoplasms in flatfish from UK waters collected between 2004 and 2015

        These data are the results from histological analysis of liver neoplasms (lesions) found in flatfish taken from UK waters between 2004 and 2015. Data on the length, weight, sex and age of...

        Trends and status of liver neoplasms in flatfish from UK waters collected between 2004 and 2015

        These data are the results from histological analysis of liver neoplasms (lesions) found in flatfish taken from UK waters between 2004 and 2015. Data on the length, weight, sex and age of...

        London Borough of Barnet - Staff establishment headcount & FTE 2017/18

        This data shows the staff headcount for the London Borough of Barnet for the 2017/18 financial year. Data is provided on a monthly basis for comparison purposes, and an Excel version including...

        Sustainable Development Indicators

        These indicators provide an overview of progress toward a sustainable economy, society and environment. Published alongside the headline and supplementary indicators are assessments of change, both...

        Prison population projections

        Presents projected monthly prison population in England and Wales for the next six years. Sub-population (such as gender) estimates are presented alongside the effects of legislation, sentencing...

        NABCOP 2021 Annual Report NHS Organisation Tables

        NABCOP is a clinical audit set up to support NHS providers to improve the quality of hospital care for older patients with breast cancer. This dataset sits alongside the 2021 Annual Report and...