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        This is an extract of ArcGIS created polygons showing advert control areas in the borough of Ashford, Kent.

        Sevenoaks Open Data - Areas of Special Advert Control

        Polygon dataset of Areas of Special Advert Control within Sevenoaks District - API and download in British National Grid.

        Sevenoaks Open Data - Areas of Special Advert Control FS

        Polygon dataset of Areas of Special Advert Control within Sevenoaks District

        Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Advert for Inspection of Accounts 2017 to 2018

        Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Advert for Inspection of Accounts 2017 to 2018

        Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Advert for Inspection of Accounts 2018 to 2019

        Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Advert for Inspection of Accounts 2018 to 2019

        Advert Control Areas

        Areas affected by a local planning constraint restricting advertt. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...

        Horsham District Council Advert Control Areas

        Horsham District Council Area of Special Control of Advertisements. Further to the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992 every local planning authority is obliged...

        Bona Vacantia Unclaimed Estates and Adverts

        The Bona Vacantia Division advertises the estates of deceased persons for kin to identify their own entitlement. The list available below contains all unclaimed estates held by the Bona Vacantia...

        Tunbridge Wells Open Data - Transparency - Advert for Inspection of Accounts 2019 to 2020


        GPS OJEU Sourcing performance turnaround times

        Monthly average turnaround times of OJEU procurements carried out by by GPS (from advert to contract award)

        FCA: Financial promotions quarterly data - Q1 2021

        The FCA undertakes many reviews of firms’ financial promotions, which are identified through multiple sources including both consumer and firm referrals. The FCA looks at every financial advert...

        FCA: Financial promotions quarterly data 2021 Q4

        The FCA undertakes many reviews of firms’ financial promotions, which are identified through multiple sources including both consumer and firm referrals. The FCA looks at every financial advert...

        FCA: Financial promotions quarterly data 2021 Q3

        The FCA undertakes many reviews of firms’ financial promotions, which are identified through multiple sources including both consumer and firm referrals. The FCA looks at every financial advert...

        FCA: Financial promotions quarterly data 2021 Q2

        The FCA undertakes many reviews of firms’ financial promotions, which are identified through multiple sources including both consumer and firm referrals. The FCA looks at every financial advert...

        NHS Vacancy Statistics

        Provisional experimental publication of NHS vacancy statistics created from administrative data related to published vacancy adverts obtained from NHS Jobs, the main recruitment website for the...

        FCA: Financial promotions quarterly data 2022 Q1

        The FCA analyses the data, from 1 January 2022 to 31 March 2022, resulting from action it has taken against authorised firms breaching financial promotion rules and referrals, and investigations...

        JNCC's Marine Monitoring Method Finder

        The Marine Monitoring Method Finder brings together a wide range of monitoring guidelines and procedures, and makes them readily available for use via a spreadsheet tool and search bar on our...

        Covid 19 - Support to providers

        Support to providers that the council has contracts with. In addition to financial support the Council has developed a voluntary workforce scheme to support the care homes using volunteers sourced...

        FCA: Financial promotions quarterly data 2022 Q2

        The FCA analyses the data, from 1 April 2022 – 30 June 2022, resulting from action it has taken against authorised firms breaching financial promotion rules and referrals, and investigations into...

        FCA: Financial promotions quarterly data 2022 Q4

        The FCA analyses the data, from 1 October 2022 to 31 December 2022, resulting from action it has taken against authorised firms breaching financial promotion rules and referrals, and investigations...