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Ancillary Costs Survey (ACS)

Stratified sample survey of Intrastat Traders. Updated: monthly.

LPD18 - ACS Policy 2 – Strategic Allocation

% of pupils achieving 5+ A*-Cs GCSE inc. English & Maths at Key Stage 4 (new First Entry definition) - (Snapshot)

% of pupils achieving 5+ A*-Cs GCSE inc. English & Maths at Key Stage 4 (new First Entry definition) - (Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued due to national changes in GCSEs in 2016.

% of pupils achieving 5+ A*-Cs GCSE inc. English & Maths at Key Stage 4 (old Best Entry definition) - (Snapshot)

% of pupils achieving 5+ A*-Cs GCSE inc. English & Maths at Key Stage 4 (old Best Entry definition) - (Snapshot) *This indicator was discontinued in 2014 due to the national changes in GCSEs.

NI 101 Looked after children achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent) at Key Stage 4 (including English and mathematics)

The number of looked after children who were in care for at least one year who were in year 11 and achieved the equivalent of at least 5 A*-C GCSEs (including English and maths) against the total...

NI 101 - Looked after children achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent) at Key Stage 4 (including English and mathematics)

The number of looked after children who were in care for at least one year who were in year 11 and achieved the equivalent of at least 5 A*-C GCSEs (including English and maths) against the total...

Pupil attainment at GCSE: Achieving 5+ grade A*-C by school

Percentage of those aged 16 who get qualifications equivalent to 5 GCSEs at Grades A* to C by school Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children...

% of dwellings with energy rating in A-C band in the EPC Register (where A is the most energy efficient and G is the least energy efficient) - (Snapshot)

% of dwellings with energy rating in A-C band in the EPC Register (where A is the most energy efficient and G is the least energy efficient) - (Snapshot)

%pt gap in achievement of 5+A*-Cs GCSE (or equivalent) including English & Maths at Key Stage 4 between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the last 6 years, children in care and adopted from care) and their peers - (Snapshot)

%pt gap in achievement of 5+A*-Cs GCSE (or equivalent) including English & Maths at Key Stage 4 between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the last 6 years, children in care and adopted...

2018, Total E&P UK Ltd, Culzean 22/25a-C5 well VSP Survey, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_703

An oil and gas industry well/VSP site survey acquired in May 2018. The block number traversed was 22/25.

Marine ornamental fish prices from the Philippines 2013 to 2017

A species list of marine aquarium fish and value at first point of sale (to fishermen) compiled using receipts collected from 15 byaheros (middlemen) in the municipality of Calatagan,...


On-going programme of digitising the Museum's entire collection or c.80m specimens and making publicly available in the main through (due to be published January 2015) and

Corporate information

Various pieces of corporate information available via

Central Payment System Reports

Customer level details of payment rejection reports generated by the departments main system payment system, Central Payment System. Location: GB and Northern Ireland Time Period: Records held for...

BGS Discovery Metadata

BGS’s Data Catalogue, which provides Open Geospatial Consortium "Catalogue Service for the Web" (CSW) access to information about British Geological Survey (BGS) datasets, services (including...

BGS Geochronology and Chronostratigraphy (concepts)

BGS Geochronology and Chronostratigraphy concepts ( , published as linked data

BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units (concepts)

BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units concepts, published as linked data

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical and Multibeam Survey 2006/2: North West Scotland, CD180 (20/May/2006 to 09/Jun/2006)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical and multibeam survey took place in May/June 2006 in the Rockall-Hatton-Faeroes region west of Scotland on board the RRS Charles Darwin. The...

BGS 1:625000 Digital Geological Map (linked data)

BGS 1:625,000 Digital Geological Map (DigMapGB), published as linked data (

Library and archives collections

Library catalogue and on-going programme of digitising the Museum's library and archives collection making publicly available in the main through