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Rochford Power Lines

This dataset shows the location of Power Lines within the Rochford District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence –...

Complaints About Schools

The Department for Education is committed to continuous improvement in its handling of complaints about schools. The completed report covers complaints that relate to state funded schools...

HMRC Powers, Deterrents and Safeguards report

Forum to Oversee the Implementation of new HMRC Powers, Deterrents and Safeguards: annual reports The Review of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) Powers, Deterrents and Safeguards ran from 2005 to...

Combined Heat and Power database

Internal database of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants in the UK. The department is unable to publish site level data as this information is commercially sensitive. We publish statistics on CHP...

Policies and Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act

Policies and Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIPA) Applications/Authorisations detailing the reasons supporting the need for such investigation methods to be used.

Bradwell Nuclear Power Station 5 Mile Zone

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Bradwell Nuclear Power Station 5 Mile Zone and was part of the Adopted Replacement Local Plan (2005)

School Census - Nursery Schools

School Census information - Nursery Schools

School Census - Primary Schools

School Census Information - Primary Schools

School Census - Special Schools

Schools Census information regarding pupils at special schools in Northern Ireland

Free School Meals - Secondary Schools

Number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals in Calderdale Secondary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only...

Free School Meals - Primary Schools

Number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals in Calderdale Primary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only...


School locations in Nottinghamshire. This data only includes publicly accessible schools and academies, and does not contain independent (private) schools.

School Census - Pre-Primary Schools

School Census information - pre primary schools

School Census

The School Census is a statutory data collection for all maintained nursery, primary, secondary, middle-deemed primary, middle-deemed secondary, local authority maintained special and...

Schools List

Calderdale schools including status, type, principals / head teachers, address, website, number on roll as at May census, longitude and latitude, and eastings and northings. Routinely updated when...

OPG Use a Lasting Power of Attorney performance data

This page provides data on the performance of the Use a lasting power of attorney service. The data is updated each month.

OPG Make a Lasting Power of Attorney performance data

This page provides data on the performance of the Make a lasting power of attorney service. The data is updated each month.

Children entering detention held solely under Immigration Act powers

Management information on children entering detention, held solely under the Immigration Act powers. Complements statistics published in the publication Control of Immigration

Bradford schools

Bradford school dataset. This dataset includes * The information relates to school fines for the academic years 2015-16 and 2016-17. * Primary School Admission Arrangements - The...

School Exclusions

Data on school exclusions in Calderdale by academic year from 2005/06 for all Calderdale schools (including Academies). Includes type of exclusion (fixed term and permanent), reason for exclusion...