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Further education and skills statistics

Ofsted inspection statistics for further education and skills.

BMI further action

Spreadsheet of persons criticised at BMI

Further Education for Benefit Claimants

Analysis of the role of training in improving the employment and earnings outcomes of learners and helping them off benefits, using BIS, DWP and HMRC shared data. Source agency: Business,...

Attitudes to further education loans

Data to support BIS research paper no. 73. Report of research commissioned by BIS to inform impact and equality assessments on the introduction of loans to fund Further Education (FE) courses. Also...

Core Accessibility Indicator: Further education

Proportion of 16-19 year olds within 30 and 60 minutes of a further education establishment by public transport/walking and cycling Source: Department for Transport (DfT) Publisher: Department...

Place Survey 2008: Further results

This release summarises the remaining data from the survey, such as citizens' priorities for their local area, further information on the perceived quality of local services and more information...

Further education and skills inspections and outcomes as at 28 February 2019

Data covers the period 1 September 2018 to 28 February 2019.

Further Education Learning Aims database

Data used by SLC to offer as reference data in the application process for Advanced Learning Loans.

Further education and skills: management information from January to August 2015

Management information showing inspection outcomes from January to August 2015.

Capital expenditure in further education colleges: impact evaluation

Provides the underlying data for all tables and figures in the 'Evaluation of the impact of capital expenditure in FE colleges' report. The report evaluates the impact of capital spending on key...

Further education and skills: management information from December 2015 to August 2018

Management information showing inspection outcomes from December 2015 to August 2018.

Further education and skills: management information from September 2018 to August 2019

Management information showing inspection outcomes from September 2018 to August 2019.

Further Education Activity

The data presents a range of analysis regarding enrolments in the NI FE Sector covering academic years. The data cover the characteristics of those enrolling in FE colleges and trends across a...

Higher Education in Further Education Student Survey (HEIFES)

Provides in-year estimates of higher education student numbers on recognised higher education courses.

Applications for Advanced Learning Loans in Further Education (FE)

Advanced Learning Loans applications operational data. Contains data supplied by applicant in support of the application; and the assessment outcome.

Economic and social benefits of further education and skills: learning for those not in employment

Further eduction learners not in employment, their reasons for doing the course, their satisfaction with the course and what impact it had on economic and social outcomes.

Further Education, Work-Based Learning, Train to Gain and Safeguarded Learning

Presents early year estimates of the number of learners in post-16 education and training in England funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) who were in learning in October 2007. Source...

Further Education Initial Teacher Training Monitoring (FE ITT)

Data on students in receipt of further education initial teacher training bursaries

Further Education and Skills: Learner Participation, Outcomes and Level of Highest Qualification Held

Previously published under the name "Post-16 Education", this Statistical First Release covers further education and skills, showing learner participation, outcomes and the level of the highest...

Further Education Administrative dataset

Individualised Learner Record (ILR) dataset collected at individual and learning aim level from each provider - characteristics government funded Further Education participation