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727 results found

Provisional Accident & Emergency Quality Indicators for England

This report, generated from Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) A&E data, sets out data coverage, data quality and performance information for the following five A&E indicators: Left...

AddressBase Core

In this ever-changing environment you need to have confidence that you're using the latest and most up-to-date addressing data. AddressBase Core is released weekly, keeping you more up to date with...

ARTD Occ Med Injury Register

An anonomysed register of injuries sustained by recruits at ARTD establishments, returned on a monthly basis w/e from 05/08/10. This information will enable HQ ARTD to monitor injuries across...


UPDATE: The Opra scheme has now been withdrawn and 2017 was the last published year for Opra profiles. However we still use compliance ratings which affect subsistence charges. A new record has...

AddressBase Premium

Our flagship address database, AddressBase® Premium gives you the most up to date, accurate information about addresses, properties and land areas. You'll be more efficient - making it easier and...

Pesticide Residues in Food

The data set shows pesticide residues in different foods types, presented in 2 different table formats. The BNA format focusses on details of individual samples including brand name and origin and...

Map based index (GeoIndex) fossil specimens

This layer of the GeoIndex shows the localities for which details of identified fossil specimens in the BGS Biostratigraphy Museum are databased. Only Ordovician and Silurian specimens listed...


Neighbourhood Action Panels (NAPs) captured as regions using Ordnance Survey BoundaryLine (Ward and Parish boundaries). NAPs are multi-agency problem solving groups, who bring together...

NI 164 - Proportion of population aged 19-64 for males and 19-59 for females qualified to at least Level 3 or higher

Proportion of working age (19 years to retirement age) population qualified to at least level 3 or higher. People are counted as being qualified to level 3 or above if they have achieved either at...

Central Government, Welsh Ministers and Local Government including Property and Land

Data files from e-PIMS, Government's Property and Land asset database containing details of location, tenure and other key attributes for each asset. It includes details about the buildings, any...

2007 Census Test Evaluation survey data - E & W

Analysis and Extracts

NHS Payment by Results 2010-11 National Tariff Information

This dataset contains the mandatory admitted patient, outpatient attendance, outpatient procedure, accident and emergency (A&E) and Best Practice tariffs applicable in 2010-11. These prices,...

Central Government Property and Land including Welsh Ministers estate.

NB Since June 2016, this quarterly series of extracts of the database is discontinued and is superseded by daily extracts found at: Data files from...

Public Awareness of and Attitudes Towards Electric Cars

This publication has been produced by Central Statistics and Research Branch (CSRB). It contains information on people’s awareness of and attitudes towards electric cars and the factors that would...

ADM Employment Policy Areas

Areas subject to Allocations Policies NUA/E/1, OB/E/1, OB/E/2, ST/EA/1, and So/E/1 in the Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (ADM DPD)

Daily Situation Reports

Fast track daily information on emergency pressures in the winter period (eg A&E diverts, beds closed due to norovirus, critical care capacity). Collected from acute NHS Trusts and NHS...

Northern Ireland Fireworks Injuries

This statistical release gives details of the number of persons injured by fireworks in Northern Ireland during the Halloween period. The survey coveres a four/five-week period and covers those...

E-Car Charge Points in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council

Location of all E-Car Charge Points in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.The ecar network is owned and operated by the ESB Groupthrough its ESB cars business. It consists of 160...

E-Car Charge Points in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council

Location of all E-Car Charge Points in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.The ecar network is owned and operated by the ESB Groupthrough its ESB cars business. It consists of 160...

2001 Castro-Longoria, E. Southampton Water Acartia tonsa records

Eggs produced by four Acartia species from the Solent-Southampton Water estuarine system were examined. Acartia tonsa produced two morphologically distinct types of eggs, which were identified as...