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105 results found

Habitat point records from 1970 Ridley north-west Scotland sublittoral photographic survey

Gordon Ridley is a lecturer is photography at Glasgow University and also a professional underwater photographer. It was felt that it would be of value for the NCC to analyse his considerable...

Council building information

A dataset providing information about local council services in Leeds. Leeds City Council uses this information to populate the Knowledge Panels on the Google search website.  The dataset includes...

Census 2011 - Island Groups

The geography of Scotland comprises the mainland plus many islands. Some of these islands are inhabited and through time their inhabited/uninhabited status can change. As statistics for...

Public Rights Of Way Northumberland

The public rights of way (PROW) in Northumberland, polylines illustrating approximate positions of rights of way recorded on the Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way for Northumberland. There...

Residential approvals of M4(2) Accessible and adaptable and M4(3) Wheelchair user dwellings

This report uses data from the Planning London Datahub (PLD) to show the proportion of new-build residential dwellings that meet the access standards M4(2) Accessible and adaptable dwellings and...

Social mobility index

The social mobility index of England sets out the differences between where children grow up and the chances they have of doing well in adult life. More details available at:...

VOA Non domestic rating - Rents paid on letting of properties

Non-Domestic Rating data, including rents paid on letting of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value properties correctly...

VOA Non domestic rating - Rents paid on letting of properties

Non-Domestic Rating data, including rents paid on letting of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value properties correctly...

River Habitat Survey - Survey Details and Summary Results

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA434. "River Habitat Survey (RHS) is the Environment Agency standard for collecting data on the physical character and quality of river habitats...

Council Elections Voters 2006

[Numbers of votes by party]( for elections on 4 May 2006 by borough. Voters were able to make more...

VOA Non domestic rating - Receipts/expenditure and costs of construction

Non-Domestic Rating data, including receipts/expenditure and costs of construction. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value properties...

VOA Council Tax - addresses, characteristics and attributes of properties

Council Tax database, including addresses, characteristics and attributes of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value...

VOA Council Tax - addresses, characteristics and attributes of properties

Council Tax database, including addresses, characteristics and attributes of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value...

VOA Non domestic rating - Receipts/expenditure and costs of construction

Non-Domestic Rating data, including receipts/expenditure and costs of construction. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the VOA to value properties...

The Hazardous Project

Warship Hazardous sank in a storm north east of the Isle of Wight in November 1706. The wreck was discovered in 1977 approximately 800 metres south-east of Bracklesham Bay slipway, West Sussex,...

The Hazardous Project

Warship Hazardous sank in a storm north east of the Isle of Wight in November 1706. The wreck was discovered in 1977 approximately 800 metres south-east of Bracklesham Bay slipway, West Sussex,...

Rill Cove Finds Project

Rill Cove is located on the south coast of England, near the village of Helston, Cornwall. The principal aim of the project was to produce a record of the objects recovered from the protected wreck...

Rill Cove Finds Project

Rill Cove is located on the south coast of England, near the village of Helston, Cornwall. The principal aim of the project was to produce a record of the objects recovered from the protected wreck...

VOA Non domestic rating - addresses, floor areas, characteristics and attributes of properties

Non-Domestic Rating data, including addresses, floor areas, characteristics and attributes of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the...

VOA Non domestic rating - addresses, floor areas, characteristics and attributes of properties

Non-Domestic Rating data, including addresses, floor areas, characteristics and attributes of properties. Property attribute and transactions data underpin the information base necessary for the...