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Spend over £25,000 in the National Forest CompanySeptember 2010 return
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Package name | Title | CO Reference | Notes | Date released | Date updated | Update frequency | Geographical Granularity | Not set | Geographic coverage | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Not set | Temporal Granularity | Not set | Temporal Coverage | Not set | Categories | National Statistic | Precision | URL | Download URL | Download file format | Download description | Taxonomy URL | Department | Agency responsible | Author | Not set | Maintainer | Not set | Licence | Tags |
Unique identifier for this dataset.Lower-case alphanumeric and dashes only. | Display title (not a description). Do not end with a full stop. | For ease of reference. | Description about the dataset. First sentence should be a succinct brief description, followed by more if needed. | When the data was initially released to the public. | When the data was most recently updated. | How often this data will be updated. | Standard | Other | England | N. Ireland | Scotland | Wales | Overseas | Global | Standard | Other | From | To (if needed) | The ONS categories under which this dataset falls | Indicate whether this is a National Statistic or not. | The data's given precision (e.g. "to the nearest per cent") | Internet link to a page about this data. | Internet link directly to the dataset. | If the dataset is supplied in multiple formats, give each format a separate entry. | Brief description to clarify when there are multiple downloads. | Internet link to a page about the taxonomies used, if available. | The Department under which this data is collected or published. | The Agency or Arms Length Body that is responsible for the dataset, if appropriate. | Permanent contact point for members of the public; not an individual. | E-mail address. | Blank unless not the author. | E-mail address, if needed. | The licence that the data is under. Should generally be core UK Crown Copyright. | Quick labels to describe the dataset. Lowercase alphanumeric and dashes, each tag seperated by a space. |