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        NI 153 - Working age people claiming out-of-work benefits in the worst performing neighbourhoods.

        Working age benefits include the main out-of-work client group categories (unemployed people on Jobseekers Allowance, Lone Parents on Income Support, Incapacity Benefits customers, and others on...

        NI 153 - Working age people claiming out-of-work benefits in the worst performing neighbourhoods.

        Working age benefits include the main out-of-work client group categories (unemployed people on Jobseekers Allowance, Lone Parents on Income Support, Incapacity Benefits customers, and others on...

        Volcanic flank collapse: diversity of behaviour, hazard generation and controls on volcano evolution (NERC Grant NE/I02044X/2)

        The data is provided as a single spreadsheet containing geochemical information from three volcanoes (Antuco, Chile; Jocotitlan, Mexico; Montserrat), all of which have been affected by major debris...

        Building, infrastructure, and river channel reaches in Chamoli district, India, following the ice-debris flow, February 2021

        These data are GIS shapefiles which contain geospatial information describing the location and condition of bridges, buildings and roads in Chamoli District, Uttarakhand, India, following the 7th...

        WFD Cycle 2 chemical water body classification

        Chemical status is assessed from compliance with environmental standards for chemicals that are defined as priority substances and/or priority hazardous substances. Chemical status is recorded as...

        Percentage of ‘journeys’ on Highways Agency motorways and A roads that are ‘on time’ by road section by rolling year

        The data presented shows the percentage of ‘journeys’ that are ‘on time’ by road section by rolling year. This data can be used to track the percentage of ‘journeys that are ‘on time’ for...

        High-resolution (2 metre) digital elevation models of difference showing surface change following the Chamoli ice-debris flow, India, February 2021

        These data are digital elevation models (DEMs) of difference (DoD). They are a geospatial dataset created in raster (.tif) format and quantify vertical (z) topographic change between two dates. The...

        High-resolution (2 metre) digital elevation models of landscape affected by the Chamoli ice-debris flow, India, February 2021

        These data are digital elevation models which describe landscape topography. The data were created to support analysis of landscape change following the 7th February 2021 avalanche-debris flow in...

        Digital elevation models of bed rock and land surface topography, river discharge data, and settings files for the CAESAR-Lisflood model following the Chamoli ice-debris flow, India, February 2021

        These data are input files for CAESAR-Lisflood (CL), a numerical hydrodynamic-landscape evolution model. These files were created to support coupled hydrodynamic-landscape evolution modelling to...

        Low Emission Bus Zones

        Low Emission Bus Zones use buses with top-of-the-range engines and exhaust systems that meet or exceed the highest Euro VI emissions standards. The zones have been prioritised in the worst air...

        Reservoir Flood Extents - Dry Day (National)

        This data shows the individual flood extents for all large raised reservoirs in the event that they were to fail and release the water held on a “dry day” when local rivers are at normal...

        Reservoir Flood Extents - Wet Day (National)

        This data shows the individual flood extents for all large raised reservoirs in the event that they were to fail and release the water held on a “wet day” when local rivers had already overflowed...

        Camden Sport And Physical Activity Needs Assessment 2009

        The aim of the study was to provide a clear understanding of the extent of current provision and identify interventions that would increase participation amongst local residents. The needs...

        Camden Sport And Physical Activity Needs Assessment 2009

        The aim of the study was to provide a clear understanding of the extent of current provision and identify interventions that would increase participation amongst local residents. The needs...

        WFD Cycle 2 ecological water body classification

        Ecological status classifications can be composed of up to five different assessments: 1. An assessment of status indicated by a biological quality element such as fish, invertebrates or algae. 2....

        WFD Cycle 2 mitigation measures assessment classification

        This dataset is a subset of the "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" dataset and contains summary data for the element mitigation measures assessment as used in the classification for Ecological...

        Reservoir Flood Extents (Individual)

        The data consists of separate packages of data for each large raised reservoir showing the flood extents for two scenarios; a “dry-day” and “wet-day”. The dry day scenario shows the flood extent...

        Social mobility index

        The social mobility index of England sets out the differences between where children grow up and the chances they have of doing well in adult life. More details available at:...

        Perception of environmental and other risks - data from a 2018 social science questionnaire in the UK

        This dataset contains the answers gathered from the 806 participants who successfully finished an on-line survey on risk perception of environment-associated risks. The survey was launched on the...

        Perception of environmental and other risks - data from a 2018 social science questionnaire in the UK

        [This dataset is embargoed until December 1, 2020]. This dataset contains the answers gathered from the 806 participants who successfully finished an on-line survey on risk perception of...