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208 results found

2017, Apache, Titan Site Survey, Block 9/14, Semi-Sub Rig, DECC Reference Number GS_515

An oil and gas industry semi-sub rig site survey acquired under licence P1985 between June and July 2017. The block numbers traversed was 9/14.

Wessex Archaeology (WSX) Geophysical Survey: WESSEX2A: (17/Feb/2005 to 17/Feb/2005)

Wessex Archaeology (WA) was commissioned by English Heritage (EH) to undertake geophysical surveys as part of the project entitled ‘Wrecks on the Seabed: Assessing, Evaluating and Recording’,...

Assaults on Police Officers

Statistics on the number of police officers assaulted whilst on duty.

Controlled Parking Zones

A Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is a parking scheme which provides parking controls to ensure a balance of the needs of residents, businesses and visitors whilst ensuring the management of congestion,


Connect is an IT tool which enables HMRC to identify potential tax fraud and broader criminal networks with greater speed and efficiency, whilst enabling compliant customers to be processed faster...

Purchase Orders over £5000

Purchase orders over £5000 by Stockport Council. Whilst all transactions are published, certain pieces of personal information within those transactions will redacted, i.e. replaced with general...

Expenditure over £500

Payments over £500 made by Stockport Council. Whilst all transactions are published, certain pieces of personal information within those transactions will redacted, i.e. replaced with general...

Home to School Travel

The Home to School Travel bulletin provides information on school pupils injured in road traffic collisions whilst travelling to or from school. Source agency: Environment (Northern...

Independent Retail Clusters

Retail designation; the clusters provide varied frontages to a series of main routes that link the City Centre to surrounding neighbourhoods. The clusters make a positive contribution to the...

Coal outcrops

The coal outcrop identifies where an underground coal seam reaches rockhead, indicating coal that may have been worked at some time in the past. Whilst this dataset highlights areas of probable...

Species point records from 1997 MNCR north Norfolk littoral survey

Survey of the sediment shores between Hunstanton and Brancaster over a period of 3 days. Five littoral sites were completed with 19 sediment core samples and two epibiota records. The majority of...

Habitat point records from 1997 MNCR north Norfolk littoral survey

Survey of the sediment shores between Hunstanton and Brancaster over a period of 3 days. Five littoral sites were completed with 19 sediment core samples and two epibiota records. The majority of...

1995 English Nature (EN) Fal Estuary Transect survey A comparison of the Maerl Beds Between 1982 and 1992

This report compares data collected on Maerl beds in the Fal estuary between 1982 and 1992. The report contains the results of species counts from a survey undertaken in 1992 whilst comparing them...

1995 English Nature (EN) Fal Estuary Transect survey A comparison of the Maerl Beds Between 1982 and 1992

This report compares data collected on Maerl beds in the Fal estuary between 1982 and 1992. The report contains the results of species counts from a survey undertaken in 1992 whilst comparing them...

Wiltshire Council - Countryside Sites

The council directly owns, leases and manages a number of countryside sites across Wiltshire that are open to the public for quiet recreation and enjoyment. Some sites are countryside destinations...

Fareham Local Plan 2037 Policies Map (Adopted April 2023)

The Fareham Local Plan 2037 (adopted April 2023) contains strategic priorities, policies and allocations which aim to achieve sustainable development in the Borough whilst also identifying and...

Local Development Plan: Development Management Zones (Countryside Zones) - Argyll and Bute

A Development Management Zone which, as designated in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015, frames the area around settlements and wider countryside; within this zone a...

Teenage pregnancy: Teenage conceptions - Under 18's: Local analysis

Data on teenage conceptions at ward level has been analysed by quintiles and are presented as maps to illustrate the variation whilst avoiding the risk of disclosing information on individuals....

Berwickshire and North Northumberland EMS Mudflats and Shallow Inlets and Bays survey

Four sites on the Berwickshire and North Northumberland European Marine Site were surveyed in order to assess the condition of intertidal sand and mud flats and establish a baseline for...

Conservation Areas

Defined Conservation Areas in Stafford Borough Council; the limit of each area is recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the...