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Births by Area of Usual Residence of Mother, UK

Annual data on birth registrations. The tables contain summary data for live births for local authorities and health areas including figures by age of mother. Source agency: Office for National...

Births by area of usual residence of mother, England and Wales

Presents data on birth registrations in England and Wales by area of usual residence of mother. The tables contain summary data for live births for local authorities and health areas including...

Mortality Statistics: Deaths Registered in UK by Area of Usual Residence

Annual data on death registrations. Summary tables including age-standardised mortality rates,deaths by age and sex. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

NI 198 - Children travelling to school mode of transport usually used

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...

Mortality Statistics: Deaths registered in England and Wales by area of usual residence

Presents data on death registrations in England and Wales by area of usual residence. The release contains a summary table providing key mortality measures (numbers and rates including age...

NI 198 Children travelling to school mode of transport usually used

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...

1981 Census - 100% Usual Residence Transfers

Historical Data

Monthly Provisional Figures on Deaths Registered by Area of Usual Residence, England and Wales

Monthly death figures provide provisional counts of the number of deaths registered by area of usual residence, England and Wales. This publication has been discontinued and releases of provisional...

Monthly Figures on Deaths Registered by Area of Usual Residence, England and Wales

This dataset presents monthly death figures providing counts of the number of deaths registered by area of usual residence, England and Wales. The provisional data relates to deaths registered in...

Emergency hospital admissions and timely surgery: chronic conditions usually managed in primary care

Emergency admissions to hospital for chronic conditions (asthma, diabetes) usually managed in primary care settings Source: Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), Office for National Statistics...

Emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission (CCGOIS 3.1)

Directly age and sex standardised admission rate for emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission per 100,000 registered patients, 95% confidence...

Emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission (NHSOF 3a)

The indicator measures the number of emergency admissions to hospital in England for acute conditions such as ear/nose/throat infections, kidney/urinary tract infections and angina, among others,...

NI 198r - Children travelling to school - mode of transport usually used - Pupils aged 5-16 - by cycling

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...

NI 198q - Children travelling to school - mode of transport usually used - Pupils aged 5-16 - by cycling

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...

NI 198a - Children travelling to school - mode of transport usually used - Pupils aged 5-10 - by car

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...

NI 198d - Children travelling to school - mode of transport usually used - Pupils aged 5-10 - by walking

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...

NI 198k - Children travelling to school - mode of transport usually used - Pupils aged 11-16 - by cycling

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...

NI 198g - Children travelling to school - mode of transport usually used - Pupils aged 11-16 - by car

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...

NI 198j - Children travelling to school - mode of transport usually used - Pupils aged 11-16 - by walking

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...

NI 198f - Children travelling to school - mode of transport usually used - Pupils aged 5-10 - by other

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...