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        Indicative site capacity toolkit

        The Indicative Site Capacity Toolkit has been developed as part of [Optimising Site Capacity: A Design-led Approach London Plan...

        Detection surge capacity

        Improving chemical analysis and detection surge capacity using Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LCMS)

        Available Water Capacity, Scotland WMS

        The proportion of water held in the soil at field capacity (5KPa) and at the permanent wilting point (1500kPa) was calculated for each soil horizon of each soil taxonomic unit (soil series)...

        Weight Restrictions

        weight restrictions

        Indicative residential capacity calculators

        Indicative residential capacity calculators to be used with the Good Quality Homes for All Londoners draft for consultation.

        School Capacity Projections

        This data shows Actual and Projected Pupil Numbers and Capacity of Schools by local authority district. 'Actual' figures provided are based on October school census data for the relevant year of...

        Bridge Weight Limits

        A list of bridges and their weight limits

        Remaining Landfill Capacity

        Datasets for remaining landfill capacity by site in England at the end of the calendar year. Data is available for 2015-2023 on this record. Permitted landfill operators have a condition in...

        Adult Excess Weight

        This data shows the percentage of adults (age 18 and over) classed as having Excess Weight. Excess Weight is a major cause of premature deaths and avoidable ill-health. Excess weight is a term...

        Decentralised Energy Capacity Study

        Data analysis to support the London Decentralised Energy Capacity Study The London Decentralised Energy Capacity Study presents the findings of a regional assessment of the potential for renewable...

        Weight Restriction Zone

        This layer shows the area covered by the 7.5T Weight Restriciton Zone as outlined in The City of London and Tower Hamlets (Prescribed Routes) Traffic Order 1989.

        Child Healthy Weight Interventions

        Progress made by NHS Boards in the first year against implementing the HEAT H3 target on child healthy weight interventions Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not...

        Adding Capacity at Heathrow Consultation

        Database of responses to the Adding Capacity at Heathrow Airport consultation. Data collection ceased. This database was used to inform an ongoing policy/consultative exercise....

        Wind Energy Capacity Study

        The council, together with Scottish Natural Heritage have commissioned Consultant Landscape Architects to update the Argyll and Bute Landscape Wind Energy Capacity Study 2012. The study provides...

        Dead Weight Pricing Reporting

        Dead Weight Pricing Reporting Inspections undertaken

        Population Weighted Centroids Guidance

        This document provides information about population weighted centroids and the methodology to produce them.  (File Size - 39 KB)

        Northern Powergrid - Demand and Capacity Data

        Data from Northern Powergrid shows the full area covered by the company and maps demands, fault levels, capacities and generation of substations. Conditions of use included.

        Feed in Tariff scheme capacity data

        This publication has now been discontinued. Quarter 1 2012 was the final edition of this publication. Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: National Statistics Language:...

        Soil Series properties within Field Capacity Zones

        Wetness class and workability assessment codes derived from the soil series and field capacity zone it occurs in

        Child Healthy Weight Interventions Statistics

        Annual update of the number of child healthy weight interventions undertaken by NHS boards. This data is used to monitor HEAT Targets. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services...