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Marine habitat correlation tables version 201801 – database version

Two tools have been created to investigate marine habitat correlations: the correlation spreadsheet and the correlation database. These two tools contain the same correlations, and are updated...

Groundwater Vulnerability Scotland version 1

The dataset describes the relative vulnerability of groundwater to contamination across Scotland, by means of five relative classes ranging from 1 (lowest vulnerability) to 5 (highest...

Marine habitat correlation tables version 201801 – spreadsheet version

Two tools have been created to investigate marine habitat correlations: the correlation spreadsheet and the correlation database. These two tools contain the same correlations, and are updated...

BGS Permeability version 8

The BGS Permeability data product shows estimated rates of water movement from the ground surface to the water table. BGS Permeability version 8 incorporates the latest geology mapping (BGS Geology...

Superficial Aquifer Productivity Scotland version 1

The dataset describes the potential of superficial deposit aquifers across Scotland to sustain various levels of borehole water supply, based on four productivity classes: high; moderate to high;...

Bedrock Aquifer Productivity Scotland version 1

The dataset describes the potential of bedrock aquifers across Scotland to sustain various levels of borehole water supply, and the dominant groundwater flow type in each aquifer. There are five...

Marine Recorder Public UK snapshot – v20220124 (Latest version)

The Spring 2022 Marine Recorder version 52 public snapshot. The Marine Recorder database holds information on UK marine benthic data such as species, biotopes and physical attributes. Data...

Groundwater Vulnerability Scotland version 2

The Groundwater Vulnerability Scotland dataset forms part of the BGS Hydrogeological Maps of Scotland data product. This product is comprised of three datasets: Bedrock Aquifer Productivity...

Annex I Reefs in UK waters (Open Data) (Version 8.3, 2022)

This dataset contains all geospatial data that show the potential and high confidence mapped extents of Annex I habitat 'Reef' in UK waters, including any additional areas that should be considered...

UK ecological status map version 2

A spatial indicator of ecological status for valuation of biodiversity across the UK, based on species occurrence records for eleven taxonomic groups (Bees, Birds, Bryophytes, Butterflies,...

Mineral resource polygons England version 2

The original version of this dataset contained lithologies interpreted as representing a mineral resource for mineral extraction. Collated on a County by County basis as part of the former Office...

Superficial Aquifer Productivity Scotland version 2

The Superficial Aquifer Productivity Scotland dataset forms part of the BGS Hydrogeological Maps of Scotland data product. This product is comprised of three datasets: Bedrock Aquifer Productivity...

Bedrock Aquifer Productivity Scotland version 2

The Bedrock Aquifer Productivity Scotland dataset forms part of the BGS Hydrogeological Maps of Scotland data product. This product is comprised of three datasets: Bedrock Aquifer Productivity...

UK Digital Geothermal Catalogue, Version 1

The data is a first digital release of the UK legacy geothermal catalogue of temperature measurements, thermal conductivity measurements and heat flow calculations. The geothermal catalogue...

Parishes (December 2015) Full Clipped Boundaries in England and Wales Version 2

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Parishes in England and Wales as at 31 December 2015. This second version has updated parish boundaries in the Sevenoaks district:The parishes...

Parishes (December 2015) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England and Wales Version 2

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Parishes in England and Wales as at 31 December 2015. This second version has updated parish boundaries in the Sevenoaks district:The parishes...

Parishes (December 2015) Full Extent Boundaries in England and Wales Version 2

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Parishes in England and Wales as at 31 December 2015. This second version has updated parish boundaries in the Sevenoaks district:The parishes...

Parishes (December 2015) Generalised Clipped Boundaries in England and Wales Version 2

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Parishes in England and Wales as at 31 December 2015. This second version has updated parish boundaries in the Sevenoaks district:The parishes...

Parishes (December 2015) Full Clipped Boundaries in England and Wales Version 2

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Parishes in England and Wales as at 31 December 2015. This second version has updated parish boundaries in the Sevenoaks district:The parishes...

Parishes (December 2015) Full Extent Boundaries in England and Wales Version 2

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Parishes in England and Wales as at 31 December 2015. This second version has updated parish boundaries in the Sevenoaks district:The parishes...