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2,508 results found

Allerdale Undertakings Land Charge

Unilateral Undertakings recorded as land Charges and expressed as polygon extents. A Unilateral Undertaking is a simplified version of a Planning Agreement and is only entered into by the...

Environment Agency Enforcement Undertakings

This is a list of cases in which the Environment Agency has accepted a civil sanctions enforcement undertaking (EU) for environmental offences. Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright...

Crossrail Act - Register of Undertakings

Summary of all the individual undertakings and assurances given to petitioners and to Parliament during the passage of the Crossrail Bill.

Large Raised Reservoir register (Locations and undertakers)

This dataset contains details of Large Raised Reservoirs in Wales. Natural Resources Wales (NRW) collects and maintains data on all reservoirs designed or capable of holding more than 10,000...

2011 Census - Census Confidentiality Undertaking CCU

Electronic copies of CCUs signed by field staff

% of physically active and inactive adults - active adults

% of physically active and inactive adults - active adults. The provider of data for this indicator is Public Health England based on Active Lives (self-report survey) and Sport England. This...

Active locations

Details of locations and the different activities available.

Community Activity

The number of staff days spend on defined community activities. Updated: monthly.

Acute Hospital Activity

Summary of activity in the acute hospital sector of NHSScotland. Prior to December 2009 this publication was released as part of an overall "Acute Hospital Activity" publication. From March 2011...

Survey of Foreign Vehicle Activity

Survey of foreign HGVs undertaking haulage on UK (3,161 vehicle records). Data collection ceased.

Helpline activity

A breakdown of all FSA helpline activity including all phone calls, messages and emails that were received and processed for 2016.

Physical Activity

Data showing the amount of people who take part in some sort of physical activity two or more times a week for at least 30 minutes. Data collected through the Health and Wellbeing Survey 2014

Hospital Activity Data

Monthly activity data relating to elective and non-elective inpatient admissions (or first finished consultant episodes FFCEs) and outpatient referrals and attendances for first consultant...

Hospital Activity Data

Monthly activity data relating to elective and non-elective inpatient admissions (or first finished consultant episodes FFCEs) and outpatient referrals and attendances for first consultant...

Offshore Activity

This interactive map has been produced by the NSTA to assist companies and members of the public with information that will help them understand offshore activities in the UK’s Territorial Sea and...

Economic Activity/Status

Data showing the economic activity/status of residents in Plymouth.

Central Activities Zone

The Central Activities zone as defined in the Council's core strategy

Physically active adults

Adults participating in recommended levels of physical activity -participation in moderate intensity sport and active recreation on 20 or more days in the previous 4 weeks, (averaging 5 or more...

Leeds Let's Get Active

Leeds City Council and Sport England have teamed up to provide Leeds Let's Get Active, a programme of free gym and swim sessions at all Leeds City Council leisure centres, as well as beginner...

Camden Licensing Activities

This dataset contains a list of licensing activity types; this can be joined to the other licensing datasets using the licence reference value.