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Umbrella Bodies

This is a list of all Umbrella Bodies registered with AccessNI. An Umbrella Body can countersign applications on behalf of other organisations.

DBS list of current Registered and Umbrella Bodies

Dataset includes a current list of all DBS Registered and Umbrella Bodies. From 2014 data also included the number of DBS applications received from each Registered and Umbrella Body.

List of registered and umbrella bodies

FoI response: a list of all registered bodies and umbrella bodies including number of Disclosures submitted over the last 12 month period, the address of the organisation

List of current Registered and Umbrella Bodies

List of current Registered and Umbrella Bodies - published as part of transparency committments.

Number of applications made by registered bodies and umbrella organisations

FOI response: the number of applications made by registered bodies and umbrella organisations for 2011 to the present.

Umbrella Bodies currently registered with the DBS and number of checks requested January-June 2013

Umbrella Bodies currently registered with the DBS & No checks requested Jan-Jun 2013 - includes whether the application was submitted online or via paper route. Produced for an FoI request.

Health sector Registered and Umbrella Bodies - volumes in last 12 and 24 months

Data shows a list of Registered and Umbrella Bodies that contain ‘Trust’, ‘PCT’, ‘NHS’, Healthcare’, ‘Hospital’, ‘Primary Care Trust’, ‘National Health Service’ , ‘Foundation Trust’, ‘CCG’ and...

CRB checks and conviction data

FOI response: 1) For each of the registered and umbrella bodies, how many criminal records checks were carried out in 2009, 2010 and 2011? 2) How many of these checks disclosed conviction data in...

List of all Criminal Records Bureau bodies

FOI response: the Registered Body and Umbrella Body organisation name and postal addresses including postal code

Flame retardants in the livers of the Eurasian otter collected from Scotland between 2013 and 2015 (PBMS)

Data comprise concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) determined using Gas Chromatograph - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) in the liver tissue of a small sample of Eurasian otters (Lutra...

Climate Change Agreements - Sector Performance Data

The Climate Change Agreements (Administration) Regulations 2012 require the administrator to publish a report setting out the energy efficiency improvements and emissions reductions achieved by...

Climate Change Agreements

Details of current or terminated Climate Change Agreements (CCA) for the UK under the Climate Change Agreements (Administration Facilities) Regulations 2012. The Climate Change Agreement scheme has...