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344 results found

Tourism Trips, Borough

London Borough level tourism trip estimates (thousands). The ‘top-down’ nature of the [Local Area Tourism Impact (LATI)...

National Trip End Model (NTEM)

The [freely available TEMPro software is required to view these datasets]( The National Trip End Model (NTEM) model forecasts the...

Visual Boundaries for the National Trip End Model (NTEM)

[GIS files for the zoning system used in the National Trip End Model (NTEM)]( Shapefiles for the zoning system...

Filled Ground

Filled Ground sites are locations which have not been identifed as containing putresible waste, the individual record should be checked to ascertain whether this has been varified. The...

Greater Cambridge ANPR Data: Trip Chain Reports

This dataset provides Trip Chain Reports derived from the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera traffic survey undertaken across the Cambridge area from 10th to 17th June 2017. The aim...

PetrolFillingStations Open

Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999/Regulations 2000 Petrol Filling Stations/Petrol Stations/PPC

Calderdale Tourism - Sector breakdown of trip expenditure

Data showing a breakdown of the amount spent on trips to Calderdale and what this was spent on . The attached PDF report shows the tourism impact on Calderdale. For more information on tourism in...

Fenland District Council Brown Fill Site

This dataset is a record of Fenland District Council Brown Fill Sites

GVA per filled job (£) - Current Price (smoothed)

GVA per filled job (£) - Current Price (smoothed)

NI 193 - Municipal waste land filled

Municipal waste that is not recycled but ends up land filled. Municipal waste to landfill will include that residual waste sent directly to landfill and that which was collected for other...

FISP Filling the Gap 2022-2024 WP2 Crustacean Observer Data

Brown crab and European lobster size composition data was collected by researchers onboard commercial crustacean potting vessels across Wales. Core measurements taken include: string number, number...

Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth

Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth

NI 193 - Municipal waste land filled

Municipal waste that is not recycled but ends up land filled. Municipal waste to landfill will include that residual waste sent directly to landfill and that which was collected for other...

FISP Filling the Gap Project 2022-2024

The Filling the Gap Crustacean FISP is a collaborative research project led by Seafish, Bangor University, Devon and Severn IFCA, and the industry-led Crab and Lobster Management Group. The project...

LandFill Sites and Buffer Zones

Areas of landfill within Wycombe District, with three buffer zones (up to 250 m), polygons

FISP Filling the Gap 2022-2024 WP2 Fisher interviews

Researchers conducted social science interviews with active and retired crustacean fishers in Wales and in the north east of England. The interview questions were centred around changes in their...

Small pelagic fish sampling programme 2017/18 - Fisheries Science Partnership

This Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) project initiated a self-sampling programme, through collaboration between industry and scientists, to respond to the need of data. Fishers filled in...

Small pelagic fish sampling programme 2017/18 - Fisheries Science Partnership

This Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) project initiated a self-sampling programme, through collaboration between industry and scientists, to respond to the need of data. Fishers filled in...

Greater Manchester Travel Diary Survey 2023 - district summaries

Each year, the Greater Manchester Travel Diary Survey (TRADS) collects detailed transport and travel information from every member (aged five or older) of 2,000 Greater Manchester households....

Belfast Bike Historical Data

These data sets contain anonymised trip data from Belfast Bikes.