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199 results found

ShapeCalc - 2D-3D shape projection tool and underlying database of 2D width/length distributions

ShapeCalc is an Excel-based tool that uses 2D crystal intersection widths and lengths to estimate 3D crystal shape. ShapeCalc provides 3D (S:I:L) shape estimates for 2D width-length (w-l) input...

Coastal Design Sea Levels - Coastal Flood Boundary Surge Shapes (2018)

This metadata record is for AfA product AfA 010. Coastal Flood Boundary Surge Shapes is part of Coastal Design/Extreme Sea Levels, a GIS dataset and supporting information providing design /...

Coastal Design Sea Levels - Coastal Flood Boundary Surge Shape data (2018)

This metadata record is for AfA product AfA 010. Surge Shape data is part of Coastal Design/Extreme Sea Levels,a GIS dataset and supporting information providing design / extreme sea level and...

Shape of HR'

Percentages and numbers of HR allocated by grade, region, team type and activity

2012 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) West Tiree benthic camera survey

The purpose of this benthic survey (cruise 1621A) west of the island of Tiree was to improve knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of species and habitats of recognised conservation...

2012 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) West Tiree benthic camera survey

The purpose of this benthic survey (cruise 1621A) west of the island of Tiree was to improve knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of species and habitats of recognised conservation...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1298, Passage of Tiree, (01/11/2011 to 26/10/2012)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1298; Passage of...

Plagioclase chemistry and shape from experiments and samples from Mount St Helens, Washington, USA

Textural data and major element geochemical data for plagioclase crystallisation experiments. Data were collected 2020-2022. The aim of the experiments was to produce plagioclase crystals at a...

2010 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Tiree seabed camera survey

The purpose of this benthic survey to the northwest of Tiree was to improve knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of species and habitats of recognised conservation importance, particularly...

2010 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Tiree seabed camera survey

The purpose of this benthic survey to the northwest of Tiree was to improve knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of species and habitats of recognised conservation importance, particularly...

Schools nearest polygon shape files

A dataset showing nearest polygons for each school that uses a “nearest criteria” within their admissions policy.  Most Voluntary Aided schools, and some academies will not have a nearest...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Sampling Survey 1971/SV/10: Peach and Tiree (21/Aug/1971 to 17/Sep/1971)

This sampling survey has been carried out by British Geological Survey (BGS) formerly Institute of Geological Sciences for BGS, the survey took place from August to September 1971 in the...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 1970/VV/7: South of Mull and Tiree (26/06/1970 to 11/07/1970)

This geophysical survey is thought to have been carried out by Institute of Geological Sciences now British Geological Survey (BGS) for BGS, the survey took place in June to July 1970 in the Tiree...

Record of expert inputs shaping future city discourses for Urban Living Birmingham

The dataset consists of the transcripts of expert inputs considering how the conceptual thinking for both ‘smart’ and ‘natural or biophilic’ cities could combine to inform future urban discourses...

Marine Scotland (MSO) Geophysical and Multibeam Survey 2012/9_MS: Argyll Array: South-west of Tiree (22/Jul/2012 to 06/Aug/2012)

This marine geophysical and multibeam survey was undertaken in July/August 2012 off south-west Tiree by the British Geological Survey (BGS) on behalf of Marine Scotland on board the Northern...

Micromagnetic domain structures and thermal stability of magnetite and iron as a function of grain size, shape and temperature (NERC grant NE/J020966/1)

The vast majority of palaeomagnetic recordings held in rock and meteorites are contained in small inhomogeneously magnetised particles that have a single-vortex (SV) domain state. The reliability...

Images for plagioclase grain shape and size (NERC grant NE/N009894/1)

Measurements of the aspect ratio of plagioclase grains in dolerites from sills. Photomicrographs (several per sample across each of the sills, at a magnification such that the long side of the...

2023 South Skye Seas Initiative Under water marine life observation in Gott Bay, Tiree

Survey to identify a suspected seagrass bed. Seagrass bed was identified using GoPro on a pole lowered on a rope from a stationary boat. Methodology following NatureScot's community-led marine...

2023 South Skye Seas Initiative Under water marine life observation in Gott Bay, Tiree

Survey to identify a suspected seagrass bed. Seagrass bed was identified using GoPro on a pole lowered on a rope from a stationary boat. Methodology following NatureScot's community-led marine...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 1971/S2: Peach/Tiree (21/08/1971 to 29/08/1971)

This geophysical survey has been carried out by Marine Geophysics Unit of British Geological Survey (BGS) for BGS, the survey took place from August to September 1971 in the Sea of the Hebrides...