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604 results found

Habitat Networks (England) - Purple Moor Grass & Rush Pasture

This is the record for Purple Moor Grass & Rush Pasture which forms a part of the Habitat Networks (Individual) (England) dataset (link below). The habitat network maps seek to apply the best...

North Norfolk District Council Grass Areas

This dataset contains areas of land owned by North Norfolk District Council and others which are maintained as areas of grass

Ozone effects in high sugar grass pasture

Data includes raw shoot biomass and yield, production and gas exchange, nodulation and N-fixation and forage quality data, including relative and consumable food values. The impacts of ozone on the...

Purple Moor Grass and Rush Pasture Habitat Network

In 2020, with generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust NI, RSPB NI and Woodland Trust NI came together to start building capacity to deliver Nature...

Synthetic and experimental friction data processed with steadystate.m

This dataset contains raw data from synthetic and experimental velocity steps analyzed using the MATLAB routine ‘steadystate.m’, as presented by Giacomel, P., Faulkner, D.R., Lambert, V., Allen,...

Grass productivity data from a field site in the Conwy Valley (2016)

Data are presented showing grass productivity as grammes per 100 square centimetres under four different nutrient treatments (water, nitrogen, phosphorus and nitrogen & phosphorus combined). An...

Synthetic Aperture radar and Hyperspectral airborne Campaign (SHAC2000)

Data from the Synthetic Aperture Radar and Hyperspectral Airborne campaign (SHAC) run by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the British National Space Centre (BNSC). The campaign...

Synthetic Aperture radar and Hyperspectral airborne Campaign (SHAC2000)

Data from the Synthetic Aperture Radar and Hyperspectral Airborne campaign (SHAC) run by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the British National Space Centre (BNSC). The campaign...


Polygon feature representing an area on the Earth's surface that has not otherwise been captured as a Building Part, Rail, Road Track Or Path, Structure, or Water Feature Type. Examples of Land...

Abundance of airborne pollen for nine grass species, measured by qPCR, UK, 2016-2017

The dataset contains abundance data of airborne pollen (including Anthoxanthum odoratum (sweet vernal-grass), Arrhenatherum elatius (false oat-grass), Cynosurus cristatus (crested dog's-tail),...

Caterpillar masses from grass margins and hedgerows under streetlights, Oxfordshire, UK, 2018-2020

This dataset contains information about moth caterpillar masses at sites lit by streetlights (LED; high pressure sodium and low-pressure sodium) and unlit control sites. Caterpillars were sampled...

Caterpillar counts from grass margins and hedgerows under streetlights, Oxfordshire, UK, 2018-2020

This dataset contains information about moth caterpillar abundance at sites lit by streetlights (LED; high pressure sodium and low-pressure sodium) and unlit control sites. Caterpillars were...

Brine-CO2 flow-through test in synthetic sandstone with oblique fractures

NERC grant NE/R013535/1. Here we present the dataset collected during a brine-CO2 flow-through test using a synthetic sandstone with oblique fractures, performed under realistic reservoir...

Reproductive and early-acting life-history traits in the perennial grass Festuca ovina exposed to drought conditions

The dataset provides measurement of timing of germination and seed mass in the F1 progeny, the P1 paternal contribution to F1 offspring (paternal reproductive success), and assesses the effects of...

Synthetic waveforms from splitting study (NERC grant NE/K005669/1)

Synthetic seismic waveforms computed using the spectral element method for 1-D and 3-D Earth models for a variety of scenarios of structures in the deep Earth's interior.

Oak chloroplast DNA haplotypes in the UK

The main objective was to provide geneticists, ecologists and foresters with an integrated description of oak genetic resources in the form of synthetic maps based on CpDNA polymorphism and...

Soil moisture data for four sites from a study of the impact of woodland on water resources (TADPOLE project, Clipstone)

In 1996 concerns were raised, in the Environment Select Committee’s first report on water conservation and supply, that the government’s ambition to double woodland cover in England could...

Experimental direct shear friction dataset for synthetic clay gouges (NERC grant NE/L002469/1)

Friction coefficient and frictional stability (rate & state parameter) data for triaxially compressed direct shear experiments on kaolinite-rich china clay and Mg-montmorillonite fault gouges...

Synthetic seismic waveforms of Ultra-Low Velocity Zone Earthmodels (NERC grant NE/H022473/1)

Dataset contains 3D synthetic seismic waveforms for axisymmetric global Earth velocity models. The waveforms were calculated using the finite difference approach with the PSVAxi algorithm (Jahnke,...

Mechanical and microstructural analysis of synthetic quartz-cemented sandstones- data (NERC Grant NE/L002469/1)

P* data obtained through hydrostatic loading experiments, using triaxial experimental apparatus, as well as yield curve data obtained through differential loading tests, prior to the discovery of...