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Supporting devolution: developments in regional and local statistics

This article presents a brief summary of the main developments that ONS is working on over the next few years to provide a solid information base for regional and local decision-making in this new...

Income Support (Northern Ireland)

Presents data from the Income Support (IS) Quarterly Statistical Enquiry, shows the key features of the IS population and how they compare with claimants in earlier periods, provides a summary of...

Local Development Plan: Development Road Actions - Argyll and Bute

Action identified in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015 in support of its settlement plans and proposals involving safeguarding measures, feasibility studies into options and...

Sustainable Development Indicators

The Sustainable Development Indicators are now being published by the ONS Launch of a consultation on a new set of sustainable development indicators Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural...

Government support

Government support to the rail industry Source agency: Office for Rail Regulation Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Local Development Plan: Development Management Zones (Very Sensitive Area) - Argyll and Bute

A Development Management Zone which, as designated in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015, comprises countryside and isolated coast which has extremely limited capacity to...

Bystander Volatile Method Development

Development of air sampling methodology in support of determining risk of bystander and resident exposure to pesticides

Local Development Plan: Potential Development Areas (PDAs) - Argyll and Bute

Potential Development Areas designated in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015. These are broad areas identified by this plan in the Proposal Maps. They are mainly, but not...

Covid 19 - Support to providers

Support to providers that the council has contracts with. In addition to financial support the Council has developed a voluntary workforce scheme to support the care homes using volunteers sourced...

Learner Support Funds

Learner Support Funds, additional monies available to support by exception.

Supporting People

Supporting People Quarterly Client Records and Outcomes Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Flexible Support Fund

The Flexible Support Fund forms part of the overall Jobcentre Plus Pre-Work Programme Offer and is used to fill gaps and add support where DWP provision, non contracted partner provision or adviser...

Horticultural Development Area

To ensure that the District’s horticultural industry remains nationally and internationally competitive, it is important that sufficient suitable sites are available. To support this activity, the...

Development Planning Development Sites

Identified/proposed development sites in Gateshead

Income Support

Income Support (IS) is a means tested benefit payable for people under Pension Credit age, working less than 16 hours per week, have no or little income and no more than £16000 in savings. The data...

Leeds support services

A dataset showing organisations which provide a support service. This dataset includes local and national organisations, their locations, contact details and the type of support they provide where...

Statistics on International Development 2014

This annual report on the UK's international aid is published as "Statistics on International Development" (SID). SID provides information on the UK’s Gross Public Expenditure on Development (GPEX)...

NHS Support Agencies

NHS Support Agencies and Shared Services Contains: NHS Support Agencies in England: including current organisations and data for organisations that have closed in the current or previous...

SNPA - ELDP Housing Development Boundary

Dataset showing the housing development boundary within which further housing is likely to be supported under Strategic Policy G - Housing of the Eryri Local Development Plan (ELDP), the limit of...

Student Support application data

Students and their parents/carers complete applications for student support and submit them to the Learner Support Service (LSS). The completed applications/information submitted is assessed by the...