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584 results found

Hazardous Substance Consent

Information is held relating to Hazardous Substance Consent Applications. These are submitted by Hazardous Substance Authorities, and the dataset used to track the progress of these applications...


This is a polygon dataset that shows the Hazardous Substance Zones within the Braintree District.

Substance misuse among prisoners

The report presents the results from secondary analysis of the data on substance abuse from the ONS survey of psychiatric morbidity among prisoners in England and Wales. Source agency: Office for...


Dataset showing hazardous substances safeguarding areas

Radioactive Substances Register

This dataset is static as of April 2010. The data is no longer updated. The data has been superceded by a new dataset, the metadata for which can be found here:...

Hazardous Substances Consent Register

The Council is required by Regulation 28 of the Hazardous Substances Act 1990 to maintain a register of applications lodged with it under the Act.

North Lincolnshire Council Hazardous Substances

North Lincolnshire Council Hazardous Substances represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Hazardous Substances

North Lincolnshire Council Hazardous Substances represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Hazardous Substances

North Lincolnshire Council Hazardous Substances digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

Camden Substance Misuse Needs Assessment

This public health intelligence profile describes the patterns in alcohol and substance misuse prevalence and treatment in Camden.

WFD Cycle 2 Priority Substances Classification

This dataset is a subset of the "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" product and contains classification data for the sub element Priority Substances (abbreviated to PS) as used in the assessment...

Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems

Further information is available at

Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems

Further information is available at

Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems

Further information is available at

Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems

Further information is available at

Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems

Further information is available at

Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems

Further information is available at

Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems

Further information is available at

Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems

Further information is available at

Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems

Further information is available at